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Magic Castle Documentation

1. Setup

To use Magic Castle you will need:

  1. Terraform (>= 1.4.0)
  2. Authenticated access to a cloud
  3. Ability to communicate with the cloud provider API from your computer
  4. A project with operational limits meeting the requirements described in Quotas subsection.

1.1 Terraform

To install Terraform, follow the tutorial or go directly on Terraform download page.

You can verify Terraform was properly installed by looking at the version in a terminal:

terraform version

1.2 Authentication

1.2.1 Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  1. Go to AWS - My Security Credentials
  2. Create a new access key.
  3. In a terminal, export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, environment variables, representing your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="an-access-key"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="a-secret-key"

Reference: AWS Provider - Environment Variables

1.2.2 Google Cloud

  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK
  2. In a terminal, enter : gcloud auth application-default login

1.2.3 Microsoft Azure

  1. Install Azure CLI
  2. In a terminal, enter : az login

Reference : Azure Provider: Authenticating using the Azure CLI

1.2.4 OpenStack / OVH

  1. Download your OpenStack Open RC file. It is project-specific and contains the credentials used by Terraform to communicate with OpenStack API. To download, using OpenStack web page go to: ProjectAPI Access, then click on Download OpenStack RC File then right-click on OpenStack RC File (Identity API v3), Save Link as..., and save the file.

  2. In a terminal located in the same folder as your OpenStack RC file, source the OpenStack RC file:

    source *
    This command will ask for a password, enter your OpenStack password.

1.3 Cloud API

Once you are authenticated with your cloud provider, you should be able to communicate with its API. This section lists for each provider some instructions to test this.

1.3.1 AWS

  1. In a dedicated temporary folder, create a file named with the following content:
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-1"
    data "aws_ec2_instance_type" "example" {
      instance_type = "t2.micro"
  2. In a terminal, move to where the file is located, then:
    terraform init
  3. Finally, test terraform communication with AWS:
    terraform plan
    If everything is configured properly, terraform will output:
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Otherwise, it will output:
    Error: error configuring Terraform AWS Provider: no valid credential sources for Terraform AWS Provider found.
  4. You can delete the temporary folder and its content.

1.3.2 Google Cloud

In a terminal, enter:

gcloud projects list
It should output a table with 3 columns

Take note of the project_id of the Google Cloud project you want to use, you will need it later.

1.3.3 Microsoft Azure

In a terminal, enter:

az account show
It should output a JSON dictionary similar to this:
  "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
  "homeTenantId": "98467e3b-33c2-4a34-928b-ed254db26890",
  "id": "4dda857e-1d61-457f-b0f0-e8c784d1fb20",
  "isDefault": true,
  "managedByTenants": [],
  "name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
  "state": "Enabled",
  "tenantId": "495fc59f-96d9-4c3f-9c78-7a7b5f33d962",
  "user": {
    "name": "",
    "type": "user"

1.3.4 OpenStack / OVH

  1. In a dedicated temporary folder, create a file named with the following content:
    terraform {
      required_providers {
        openstack = {
          source  = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack"
    data "openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3" "scope" {
      name = "my_scope"
  2. In a terminal, move to where the file is located, then:
    terraform init
  3. Finally, test terraform communication with OpenStack:
    terraform plan
    If everything is configured properly, terraform will output:
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Otherwise, it will output:
    Error: Error creating OpenStack identity client:
    if the OpenStack cloud API cannot be reached.
  4. You can delete the temporary folder and its content.

1.4 Quotas

1.4.1 AWS

The default quotas set by Amazon are sufficient to build the Magic Castle AWS examples. To increase the limits, or request access to special resources like GPUs or high performance network interface, refer to Amazon EC2 service quotas.

1.4.2 Google Cloud

The default quotas set by Google Cloud are sufficient to build the Magic Castle GCP examples. To increase the limits, or request access to special resources like GPUs, refer to Google Compute Engine Resource quotas.

1.4.3 Microsoft Azure

The default quotas set by Microsoft Azure are sufficient to build the Magic Castle Azure examples. To increase the limits, or request access to special resources like GPUs or high performance network interface, refer to Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints.

1.4.4 OpenStack

Minimum project requirements:

  • 1 floating IP
  • 3 security groups
  • 1 network (see note 1)
  • 1 subnet (see note 1)
  • 1 router (see note 1)
  • 3 volumes
  • 3 instances
  • 8 VCPUs
  • 7 neutron ports
  • 12 GB of RAM
  • 8 security rules
  • 80 GB of volume storage

Note 1: Magic Castle supposes the OpenStack project comes with a network, a subnet and a router already initialized. If any of these components is missing, you will need to create them manually before launching terraform.

1.4.5 OVH

The default quotas set by OVH are sufficient to build the Magic Castle OVH examples. To increase the limits, or request access to special resources like GPUs, refer to OVHcloud - Increasing Public Cloud quotas.

2. Cloud Cluster Architecture Overview

Magic Castle Service Architecture

3. Initialization

3.1 Main File

  1. Go to
  2. Download the latest release of Magic Castle for your cloud provider.
  3. Open a Terminal.
  4. Uncompress the release: tar xvf magic_castle*.tar.gz
  5. Rename the release folder after your favourite superhero: mv magic_castle* hulk
  6. Move inside the folder: cd hulk

The file contains Terraform modules and outputs. Modules are files that define a set of resources that will be configured based on the inputs provided in the module block. Outputs are used to tell Terraform which variables of our module we would like to be shown on the screen once the resources have been instantiated.

This file will be our main canvas to design our new clusters. As long as the module block parameters suffice to our need, we will be able to limit our configuration to this sole file. Further customization will be addressed during the second part of the workshop.

3.2 Terraform

Terraform fetches the plugins required to interact with the cloud provider defined by our once when we initialize. To initialize, enter the following command:

terraform init

The initialization is specific to the folder where you are currently located. The initialization process looks at all .tf files and fetches the plugins required to build the resources defined in these files. If you replace some or all .tf files inside a folder that has already been initialized, just call the command again to make sure you have all plugins.

The initialization process creates a .terraform folder at the root of your current folder. You do not need to look at its content for now.

3.2.1 Terraform Modules Upgrade

Once Terraform folder has been initialized, it is possible to fetch the newest version of the modules used by calling:

terraform init -upgrade

4. Configuration

In the file, there is a module named after your cloud provider, i.e.: module "openstack". This module corresponds to the high-level infrastructure of your cluster.

The following sections describes each variable that can be used to customize the deployed infrastructure and its configuration. Optional variables can be absent from the example module. The order of the variables does not matter, but the following sections are ordered as the variables appear in the examples.

4.1 source

The first line of the module block indicates to Terraform where it can find the files that define the resources that will compose your cluster. In the releases, this variable is a relative path to the cloud provider folder (i.e.: ./aws).

Requirement: Must be a path to a local folder containing the Magic Castle Terraform files for the cloud provider of your choice. It can also be a git repository. Refer to Terraform documentation on module source for more information.

Post build modification effect: terraform init will have to be called again and the next terraform apply might propose changes if the infrastructure describe by the new module is different.

4.2 config_git_url

Magic Castle configuration management is handled by Puppet. The Puppet configuration files are stored in a git repository. This is typically ComputeCanada/puppet-magic_castle repository on GitHub.

Leave this variable to its current value to deploy a vanilla Magic Castle cluster.

If you wish to customize the instances' role assignment, add services, or develop new features for Magic Castle, fork the ComputeCanada/puppet-magic_castle and point this variable to your fork's URL. For more information on Magic Castle puppet configuration customization, refer to MC developer documentation.

Requirement: Must be a valid HTTPS URL to a git repository describing a Puppet environment compatible with Magic Castle. If the repo is private, generate an access token with a permission to read the repo content, and provide the token in the config_git_url like this:

config_git_url = "https://oauth2:${oauth-key-goes-here}"
This works for GitHub and GitLab (including community edition).

Post build modification effect: no effect. To change the Puppet configuration source, destroy the cluster or change it manually on the Puppet server.

4.3 config_version

Since Magic Cluster configuration is managed with git, it is possible to specify which version of the configuration you wish to use. Typically, it will match the version number of the release you have downloaded (i.e: 9.3).

Requirement: Must refer to a git commit, tag or branch existing in the git repository pointed by config_git_url.

Post build modification effect: none. To change the Puppet configuration version, destroy the cluster or change it manually on the Puppet server.

4.4 cluster_name

Defines the ClusterName variable in slurm.conf and the name of the cluster in the Slurm accounting database (see slurm.conf documentation).

Requirement: Must be lowercase alphanumeric characters and start with a letter. It can include dashes. cluster_name must be 40 characters or less.

Post build modification effect: destroy and re-create all instances at next terraform apply.

4.5 domain


  • the Kerberos realm name when initializing FreeIPA.
  • the internal domain name and the resolv.conf search domain as int.{cluster_name}.{domain}

Optional modules following the current module in the example can be used to register DNS records in relation to your cluster if the DNS zone of this domain is administered by one of the supported providers. Refer to section 6. DNS Configuration for more details.


  • Must be a fully qualified DNS name and RFC-1035-valid. Valid format is a series of labels 1-63 characters long matching the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]), concatenated with periods.
  • No wildcard record A of the form *.domain. IN A x.x.x.x exists for that domain. You can verify no such record exist with dig:
    dig +short '*.${domain}'

Post build modification effect: destroy and re-create all instances at next terraform apply.

4.6 image

Defines the name of the image that will be used as the base image for the cluster nodes.

You can use a custom image if you wish, but configuration management should be mainly done through Puppet. Image customization is mostly envisioned as a way to accelerate the configuration process by applying the security patches and OS updates in advance.

To specify a different image for an instance type, use the image instance attribute

Requirements: the operating system on the image must be from the RedHat family. This includes CentOS (8, 9), Rocky Linux (8, 9), and AlmaLinux (8, 9).

Post build modification effect: none. If this variable is modified, existing instances will ignore the change and future instances will use the new value.

4.6.1 AWS

The image field needs to correspond to the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID. AMI IDs are specific to regions and architectures. Make sure to use the right ID for the region and CPU architecture you are using (i.e: x86_64).

To find out which AMI ID you need to use, refer to - AlmaLinux OS Amazon Web Services AMIs - CentOS list of official images available on the AWS Marketplace - Rocky Linux

Note: Before you can use the AMI, you will need to accept the usage terms and subscribe to the image on AWS Marketplace. On your first deployment, you will be presented an error similar to this one:

│ Error: Error launching source instance: OptInRequired: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit
│   status code: 401, request id: 1f04a85a-f16a-41c6-82b5-342dc3dd6a3d
│   on aws/ line 67, in resource "aws_instance" "instances":
│   67: resource "aws_instance" "instances" {
To accept the terms and fix the error, visit the link provided in the error output, then click on the Click to Subscribe yellow button.

4.6.2 Microsoft Azure

The image field for Azure can either be a string or a map.

A string image specification will correspond to the image id. Image ids can be retrieved using the following command-line:

az image builder list

A map image specification needs to contain the following fields publisher, offer sku, and optionally version. The map is used to specify images found in Azure Marketplace. Here is an example:

    publisher = "OpenLogic",
    offer     = "CentOS-CI",
    sku       = "7-CI"

4.6.3 OpenStack

The image name can be a regular expression. If more than one image is returned by the query to OpenStack, the most recent is selected.

4.7 instances

The instances variable is a map that defines the virtual machines that will form the cluster. The map' keys define the hostnames and the values are the attributes of the virtual machines.

Each instance is identified by a unique hostname. An instance's hostname is written as the key followed by its index (1-based). The following map:

instances = {
  mgmt     = { type = "p2-4gb", tags = [...] },
  login    = { type = "p2-4gb",     count = 1, tags = [...] },
  node     = { type = "c2-15gb-31", count = 2, tags = [...] },
  gpu-node = { type = "gpu2.large", count = 3, tags = [...] },
will spawn instances with the following hostnames:

Hostnames must follow a set of rules, from hostname man page:

Valid characters for hostnames are ASCII letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (-). A hostname may not start with a hyphen.

Two attributes are expected to be defined for each instance: 1. type: name for varying combinations of CPU, memory, GPU, etc. (i.e: t2.medium); 2. tags: list of labels that defines the role of the instance.

4.7.1 tags

Tags are used in the Terraform code to identify if devices (volume, network) need to be attached to an instance, while in Puppet code tags are used to identify roles of the instances.

Terraform tags:

  • login: identify instances accessible with SSH from Internet and pointed by the domain name A records
  • pool: identify instances created only when their hostname appears in the var.pool list.
  • proxy: identify instances accessible with HTTP/HTTPS and pointed by the vhost A records
  • public: identify instances that need to have a public ip address reachable from Internet
  • puppet: identify instances configured as Puppet servers
  • spot: identify instances that are to be spawned as spot/preemptible instances. This tag is supported in AWS, Azure and GCP. It is ignored by OpenStack and OVH.
  • efa: attach an Elastic Fabric Adapter network interface to the instance. This tag is supported in AWS.

Puppet tags expected by the puppet-magic_castle environment.

  • login: identify a login instance (minimum: 2 CPUs, 2GB RAM)
  • mgmt: identify a management instance i.e: FreeIPA server, Slurm controller, Slurm DB (minimum: 2 CPUs, 6GB RAM)
  • nfs: identify the instance that acts as an NFS server.
  • node: identify a compute node instance (minimum: 1 CPUs, 2GB RAM)
  • pool: when combined with node, it identifies compute nodes that Slurm can resume/suspend to meet workload demand.
  • proxy: identify the instance that executes the Caddy reverse proxy and JupyterHub.

In the Magic Castle Puppet environment, an instance cannot be tagged as mgmt and proxy.

You are free to define your own additional tags.

4.7.2 Optional attributes

Optional attributes can be defined:

  1. count: number of virtual machines with this combination of hostname prefix, type and tags to create (default: 1).
  2. image: specification of the image to use for this instance type. (default: global image value). Refer to section 10.12 - Create a compute node image to learn how this attribute can be leveraged to accelerate compute node configuration.
  3. disk_type: type of the instance's root disk (default: see the next table).

    Provider disk_type disk_size (GiB)
    Azure Premium_LRS 30
    AWS gp2 10
    GCP pd-ssd 20
    OpenStack null 10
    OVH null 10
  4. disk_size: size in gibibytes (GiB) of the instance's root disk containing the operating system and service software (default: see the previous table).

  5. mig: map of NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) short profile names and count used to partition the instances' GPU, example for an A100:
    mig = { "1g.5gb" = 2, "2g.10gb" = 1, "3g.20gb" = 1 }
    This is only functional with MIG supported GPUs, and with x86-64 processors (see NVIDIA/mig-parted issue #30).

For some cloud providers, it possible to define additional attributes. The following sections present the available attributes per provider.


For instances with the spot tags, these attributes can also be set:

  • wait_for_fulfillment (default: true)
  • spot_type (default: permanent)
  • instance_interruption_behavior (default: stop)
  • spot_price (default: not set)
  • block_duration_minutes (default: not set) [note 1] For more information on these attributes, refer to aws_spot_instance_request argument reference

Note 1: block_duration_minutes is not available to new AWS accounts or accounts without billing history - AWS EC2 Spot Instance requests. When not available, its usage can trigger quota errors like this:

Error requesting spot instances: MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded: Max spot instance count exceeded


For instances with the spot tags, these attributes can also be set:

  • gpu_type: name of the GPU model to attach to the instance. Refer to Google Cloud documentation for the list of available models per region
  • gpu_count: number of GPUs of the gpu_type model to attach to the instance

4.7.3 Post build modification effect

Modifying any part of the map after the cluster is built will only affect the type of instances associated with what was modified at the next terraform apply.

4.8 volumes

The volumes variable is a map that defines the block devices that should be attached to instances that have the corresponding key in their list of tags. To each instance with the tag, unique block devices are attached, no multi-instance attachment is supported.

Each volume in map is defined a key corresponding to its and a map of attributes:

  • size: size of the block device in GB.
  • type (optional): type of volume to use. Default value per provider:
  • Azure: Premium_LRS
  • AWS: gp2
  • GCP: pd-ssd
  • OpenStack: null
  • OVH: null

Volumes with a tag that have no corresponding instance will not be created.

In the following example:

instances = { 
  server = { type = "p4-6gb", tags = ["nfs"] }
volumes = {
  nfs = {
    home = { size = 100 }
    project = { size = 100 }
    scratch = { size = 100 }
  mds = {
    oss1 = { size = 500 }
    oss2 = { size = 500 }

The instance server1 will have three volumes attached to it. The volumes tagged mds are not created since no instances have the corresponding tag.

To define an infrastructure with no volumes, set the volumes variable to an empty map:

volumes = {}

Post build modification effect: destruction of the corresponding volumes and attachments, and creation of new empty volumes and attachments. If an no instance with a corresponding tag exist following modifications, the volumes will be deleted.

4.9 public_keys

List of SSH public keys that will have access to your cluster sudoer account.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply. The sudoer account authorized_keys file will be updated by each instance's Puppet agent following the copy of the hieradata files.

4.10 nb_users (optional)

default value: 0

Defines how many guest user accounts will be created in FreeIPA. Each user account shares the same randomly generated password. The usernames are defined as userX where X is a number between 1 and the value of nb_users (zero-padded, i.e.: user01 if X < 100, user1 if X < 10).

If an NFS NFS home volume is defined, each user will have a home folder on a shared NFS storage hosted on the NFS server node.

User accounts do not have sudoer privileges. If you wish to use sudo, you will have to login using the sudoer account and the SSH keys listed in public_keys.

If you would like to add a user account after the cluster is built, refer to section 10.3 and 10.4.

Requirement: Must be an integer, minimum value is 0.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply. If nb_users is increased, new guest accounts will be created during the following Puppet run on mgmt1. If nb_users is decreased, it will have no effect: the guest accounts already created will be left intact.

4.11 guest_passwd (optional)

default value: 4 random words separated by dots

Defines the password for the guest user accounts instead of using a randomly generated one.

Requirement: Minimum length 8 characters.

The password can be provided in a PKCS7 encrypted form. Refer to sub-section 4.15 eyaml_key for instructions on how to encrypt the password.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply. Password of all guest accounts will be changed to match the new password value.

4.12 sudoer_username (optional)

default value: centos

Defines the username of the account with sudo privileges. The account ssh authorized keys are configured with the SSH public keys with public_keys.

Post build modification effect: none. To change sudoer username, destroy the cluster or redefine the value of profile::base::sudoer_username in hieradata.

4.13 hieradata (optional)

default value: empty string

Defines custom variable values that are injected in the Puppet hieradata file. Useful to override common configuration of Puppet classes.

List of useful examples:

  • Receive logs of Puppet runs with changes to your email, add the following line to the string:
    profile::base::admin_email: ""
  • Define ip addresses that can never be banned by fail2ban:
    profile::fail2ban::ignore_ip: ['', '']
  • Remove one-time password field from JupyterHub login page:
    jupyterhub::enable_otp_auth: false
  • Setup AlertManager to receive Prometheus alerts on Slack:
        - 'alertname'
        - 'cluster'
        - 'service'
      group_wait: '5s'
      group_interval: '5m'
      repeat_interval: '3h'
      receiver: 'slack'
      - name: 'slack'
          - api_url: ''
            channel: "#channel"
            send_resolved: true
            username: 'username'

Refer to the following Puppet modules' documentation to know more about the key-values that can be defined:

The file created from this string can be found on the Puppet server as /etc/puppetlabs/data/user_data.yaml

Requirement: The string needs to respect the YAML syntax.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply. Each instance's Puppet agent will be reloaded following the copy of the hieradata files.

4.14 hieradata_dir (optional)

default_value: Empty string

Defines the path to a directory containing a hierarchy of YAML data files. The hierarchy is copied on the Puppet server in /etc/puppetlabs/data/user_data.

Hierarchy structure:

  • per node hostname:
  • <dir>/hostnames/<hostname>/*.yaml
  • <dir>/hostnames/<hostname>.yaml
  • per node prefix:
  • <dir>/prefixes/<prefix>/*.yaml
  • <dir>/prefixes/<prefix>.yaml
  • all nodes: <dir>/*.yaml

For more information on hieradata, refer to section 4.13 hieradata (optional).

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply. Each instance's Puppet agent will be reloaded following the copy of the hieradata files.

4.15 eyaml_key (optional)

default value: empty string

Defines the private RSA key required to decrypt the values encrypted with hiera-eyaml PKCS7. This key will be copied on the Puppet server.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of private key file at next terraform apply.

4.15.1 Generate eyaml encryption keys

If you plan to track the cluster configuration files in git (, user_data.yaml), it would be a good idea to encrypt the sensitive property values.

Magic Castle uses hiera-eyaml to provide a per-value encryption of sensitive properties to be used by Puppet.

The private key and its corresponding public key wrapped in a X509 certificate can be generated with openssl:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private_key.pkcs7.pem -out public_key.pkcs7.pem -batch

or with eyaml:

eyaml createkeys --pkcs7-public-key=public_key.pkcs7.pem --pkcs7-private-key=private_key.pkcs7.pem

4.15.2 Encrypting sensitive properties

To encrypt a sensitive property with openssl:

echo -n 'your-secret' | openssl smime -encrypt -aes-256-cbc -outform der public_key.pkcs7.pem | openssl base64 -A | xargs printf "ENC[PKCS7,%s]\n"

To encrypt a sensitive property with eyaml:

eyaml encrypt -s 'your-secret' --pkcs7-public-key=public_key.pkcs7.pem -o string

4.15.3 Terraform cloud

To provide the value of this variable via Terraform Cloud, encode the private key content with base64:

openssl base64 -A -in private_key.pkcs7.pem

Define a variable in your

variable "tfc_eyaml_key" {}
module "openstack" {

Then make sure to decode it before passing it to the cloud provider module:

variable "tfc_eyaml_key" {}
module "openstack" {
  eyaml_key = base64decode(var.tfc_eyaml_key)

4.16 firewall_rules (optional)

default value:

  ssh     = { "from_port" = 22,    "to_port" = 22,    tag = "login", "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" },
  http    = { "from_port" = 80,    "to_port" = 80,    tag = "proxy", "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" },
  https   = { "from_port" = 443,   "to_port" = 443,   tag = "proxy", "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" },
  globus  = { "from_port" = 2811,  "to_port" = 2811,  tag = "dtn",   "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" },
  myproxy = { "from_port" = 7512,  "to_port" = 7512,  tag = "dtn",   "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" },
  gridftp = { "from_port" = 50000, "to_port" = 51000, tag = "dtn",   "protocol" = "tcp", "cidr" = "" }

Defines a map of firewall rules that control external traffic to the public nodes. Each rule is defined as a map of key-value pairs and has to be assigned a unique name:

  • from_port (req.): the lower part of the allowed port range, valid integer value needs to be between 1 and 65535.
  • to_port (req.): the higher part of the allowed port range, valid integer value needs to be between 1 and 65535.
  • tag (req.): instances with this tag will be assigned this firewall rule.
  • ethertype (opt. default: "IPv4"): the layer 3 protocol type ("IPv4" or "IPv6").
  • protocol (opt. default: "tcp"): the layer 4 protocol type.
  • cidr (opt. default: ""): the remote CIDR, the value needs to be a valid CIDR (i.e.

If you would like Magic Castle to be able to transfer files and update the state of the cluster in Puppet, make sure there exists at least one effective firewall rule where from_port <= 22 <= to_port and for which the external IP address of the machine that executes Terraform is in the CIDR range (i.e: cidr = "" being the most permissive). This corresponds to the ssh rule in the default firewall rule map. This guarantees that Terraform will be able to use SSH to connect to the cluster from anywhere. For more information about this requirement, refer to Magic Castle's bastion tag computation code.

Post build modification effect: modify the cloud provider firewall rules at next terraform apply.

4.18 software_stack (optional)

default_value: "alliance"

Defines the scientific software environment that users have access when they login. Possible values are:

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of hieradata files at next terraform apply.

4.19 pool (optional)

default_value: []

Defines a list of hostnames with the tag "pool" that have to be online. This variable is typically managed by the workload scheduler through Terraform API. For more information, refer to Enable Magic Castle Autoscaling

Post build modification effect: pool tagged hosts with name present in the list will be instantiated, others will stay uninstantiated or will be destroyed if previously instantiated.

4.20 skip_upgrade (optional)

default_value = false

If true, the base image packages will not be upgraded during the first boot. By default, all packages are upgraded.

Post build modification effect: No effect on currently built instances. Ones created after the modification will take into consideration the new value of the parameter to determine whether they should upgrade the base image packages or not.

4.21 puppetfile (optional)

default_value = ""

Defines a second Puppetfile used to install complementary modules with r10k.

Post build modification effect: trigger scp of Puppetfile at next terraform apply. Each instance's Puppet agent will be reloaded following the installation of the new modules.

5. Cloud Specific Configuration

5.1 Amazon Web Services

5.1.1 region

Defines the label of the AWS EC2 region where the cluster will be created (i.e.: us-east-2).

Requirement: Must be in the list of available EC2 regions.

Post build modification effect: rebuild of all resources at next terraform apply.

5.1.2 availability_zone (optional)

default value: None

Defines the label of the data center inside the AWS region where the cluster will be created (i.e.: us-east-2a). If left blank, it chosen at random amongst the availability zones of the selected region.

Requirement: Must be in a valid availability zone for the selected region. Refer to AWS documentation to find out how list the availability zones.

5.2 Microsoft Azure

5.2.1 location

Defines the label of the Azure location where the cluster will be created (i.e.: eastus).

Requirement: Must be a valid Azure location. To get the list of available location, you can use Azure CLI : az account list-locations -o table.

Post build modification effect: rebuild of all resources at next terraform apply.

5.2.2 azure_resource_group (optional)

default value: None

Defines the name of an already created resource group to use. Terraform will no longer attempt to manage a resource group for Magic Castle if this variable is defined and will instead create all resources within the provided resource group. Define this if you wish to use an already created resource group or you do not have a subscription-level access to create and destroy resource groups.

Post build modification effect: rebuild of all instances at next terraform apply.

5.2.3 plan (optional)

default value:

  name      = null
  product   = null
  publisher = null

Purchase plan information for Azure Marketplace image. Certain images from Azure Marketplace requires a terms acceptance or a fee to be used. When using this kind of image, you must supply the plan details.

For example, to use the official AlmaLinux image, you have to first add it to your account. Then to use it with Magic Castle, you must supply the following plan information:

plan = {
  name      = "8_7"
  product   = "almalinux"
  publisher = "almalinux"

5.3 Google Cloud

5.3.1 project

Defines the label of the unique identifier associated with the Google Cloud project in which the resources will be created. It needs to corresponds to GCP project ID, which is composed of the project name and a randomly assigned number.

Requirement: Must be a valid Google Cloud project ID.

Post build modification effect: rebuild of all resources at next terraform apply.

5.3.2 region

Defines the name of the specific geographical location where the cluster resources will be hosted.

Requirement: Must be a valid Google Cloud region. Refer to Google Cloud documentation for the list of available regions and their characteristics.

5.3.3 zone (optional)

default value: None

Defines the name of the zone within the region where the cluster resources will be hosted.

Requirement: Must be a valid Google Cloud zone. Refer to Google Cloud documentation for the list of available zones and their characteristics.

5.4 OpenStack and OVH

5.4.1 os_floating_ips (optional)

default value: {}

Defines a map as an association of instance names (key) to pre-allocated floating ip addresses (value). Example:

  os_floating_ips = {
    login1 = ""
    login2 = ""

  • instances tagged as public that have an entry in this map will be assigned the corresponding ip address;
  • instances tagged as public that do not have an entry in this map will be assigned a floating ip managed by Terraform.
  • instances not tagged as public that have an entry in this map will not be assigned a floating ip.

This variable can be useful if you manage your DNS manually and you would like the keep the same domain name for your cluster at each build.

Post build modification effect: change the floating ips assigned to the public instances.

5.4.2 os_ext_network (optional)

default value: None

Defines the name of the external network that provides the floating ips. Define this only if your OpenStack cloud provides multiple external networks, otherwise, Terraform can find it automatically.

Post build modification effect: change the floating ips assigned to the public nodes.

5.4.4 subnet_id (optional)

default value: None

Defines the ID of the internal IPV4 subnet to which the instances are connected. Define this if you have or intend to have more than one subnets defined in your OpenStack project. Otherwise, Terraform can find it automatically. Can be used to force a v4 subnet when both v4 and v6 exist.

Post build modification effect: rebuild of all instances at next terraform apply.

6. DNS Configuration

Some functionalities in Magic Castle require the registration of DNS records under the cluster name in the selected domain. This includes web services like JupyterHub, Mokey and FreeIPA web portal.

If your domain DNS records are managed by one of the supported providers, follow the instructions in the corresponding sections to have the cluster's DNS records created and tracked by Magic Castle.

If your DNS provider is not supported, you can manually create the records. Refer to the subsection 6.3 for more details.

6.1 Cloudflare

  1. Uncomment the dns module for Cloudflare in your
  2. Uncomment the output "hostnames" block.
  3. Download and install the Cloudflare Terraform module: terraform init.
  4. Export the environment variables CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL and CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY, where CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL is your Cloudflare account email address and CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY is your account Global API Key available in your Cloudflare profile.

6.1.2 Cloudflare API Token

If you prefer using an API token instead of the global API key, you will need to configure a token with the following four permissions with the Cloudflare API Token interface.

Section Subsection Permission
Zone DNS Edit

Instead of step 5, export only CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN, CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_API_TOKEN, and CLOUDFLARE_DNS_API_TOKEN equal to the API token generated previously.

6.2 Google Cloud

requirement: Install the Google Cloud SDK

  1. Login to your Google account with gcloud CLI : gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Uncomment the dns module for Google Cloud in your
  3. Uncomment the output "hostnames" block.
  4. In's dns module, configure the variables project and zone_name with their respective values as defined by your Google Cloud project.
  5. Download and install the Google Cloud Terraform module: terraform init.

6.3 Unsupported providers

If your DNS provider is not currently supported by Magic Castle, you can create the DNS records manually.

Magic Castle provides a module that creates a text file with the DNS records that can then be imported manually in your DNS zone. To use this module, add the following snippet to your

module "dns" {
    source           = "./dns/txt"
    name             = module.openstack.cluster_name
    domain           = module.openstack.domain
    public_instances = module.openstack.public_instances

Find and replace openstack in the previous snippet by your cloud provider of choice if not OpenStack (i.e: aws, gcp, etc.).

The file will be created after the terraform apply in the same folder as your and will be named as ${name}.${domain}.txt.

6.5 SSHFP records and DNSSEC

Magic Castle DNS module creates SSHFP records for all instances with a public ip address. These records can be used by SSH clients to verify the SSH host keys of the server. If DNSSEC is enabled for the domain and the SSH client is correctly configured, no host key confirmation will be prompted when connecting to the server.

For more information on how to activate DNSSEC, refer to your DNS provider documentation:

To setup an SSH client to use SSHFP records, add

VerifyHostKeyDNS yes
to its configuration file (i.e.: ~/.ssh/config).

7. Planning

Once your initial cluster configuration is done, you can initiate a planning phase where you will ask Terraform to communicate with your cloud provider and verify that your cluster can be built as it is described by the configuration file.

Terraform should now be able to communicate with your cloud provider. To test your configuration file, enter the following command

terraform plan

This command will validate the syntax of your configuration file and communicate with the provider, but it will not create new resources. It is only a dry-run. If Terraform does not report any error, you can move to the next step. Otherwise, read the errors and fix your configuration file accordingly.

8. Deployment

To create the resources defined by your main, enter the following command

terraform apply

The command will produce the same output as the plan command, but after the output it will ask for a confirmation to perform the proposed actions. Enter yes.

Terraform will then proceed to create the resources defined by the configuration file. It should take a few minutes. Once the creation process is completed, Terraform will output the guest account usernames and password, the sudoer username and the floating ip of the login node.

Warning: although the instance creation process is finished once Terraform outputs the connection information, you will not be able to connect and use the cluster immediately. The instance creation is only the first phase of the cluster-building process. The configuration: the creation of the user accounts, installation of FreeIPA, Slurm, configuration of JupyterHub, etc.; takes around 15 minutes after the instances are created.

Once it is booted, you can follow an instance configuration process by looking at:

  • /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
  • journalctl -u puppet

If unexpected problems occur during configuration, you can provide these logs to the authors of Magic Castle to help you debug.

8.1 Deployment Customization

You can modify the at any point of your cluster's life and apply the modifications while it is running.

Warning: Depending on the variables you modify, Terraform might destroy some or all resources, and create new ones. The effects of modifying each variable are detailed in the subsections of Configuration.

For example, to increase the number of computes nodes by one. Open, add 1 to node's count , save the document and call

terraform apply

Terraform will analyze the difference between the current state and the future state, and plan the creation of a single new instance. If you accept the action plan, the instance will be created, provisioned and eventually automatically add to the Slurm cluster configuration.

You could do the opposite and reduce the number of compute nodes to 0.

9. Destruction

Once you're done working with your cluster and you would like to recover the resources, in the same folder as, enter:

terraform destroy -refresh=false

The -refresh=false flag is to avoid an issue where one or many of the data sources return no results and stall the cluster destruction with a message like the following:

Error: Your query returned no results. Please change your search criteria and try again.
This type of error happens when for example the specified image no longer exists (see issue #40).

As for apply, Terraform will output a plan that you will have to confirm by entering yes.

Warning: once the cluster is destroyed, nothing will be left, even the shared storage will be erased.

9.1 Instance Destruction

It is possible to destroy only the instances and keep the rest of the infrastructure like the floating ip, the volumes, the generated SSH host key, etc. To do so, set the count value of the instance type you wish to destroy to 0.

9.2 Reset

On some occasions, it is desirable to rebuild some of the instances from scratch. Using terraform taint, you can designate resources that will be rebuilt at next application of the plan.

To rebuild the first login node :

terraform taint 'module.openstack.openstack_compute_instance_v2.instances["login1"]'
terraform apply

10. Customize Cluster Software Configuration

Once the cluster is online and configured, you can modify its configuration as you see fit. We list here how to do most commonly asked for customizations.

Some customizations are done from the Puppet server instance (puppet). To connect to the puppet server, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your SSH key is loaded in your ssh-agent.
  2. SSH in your cluster with forwarding of the authentication agent connection enabled: ssh -A centos@cluster_ip. Replace centos by the value of sudoer_username if it is different.
  3. SSH in the Puppet server instance: ssh puppet

Note on Google Cloud: In GCP, OS Login lets you use Compute Engine IAM roles to manage SSH access to Linux instances. This feature is incompatible with Magic Castle. Therefore, it is turned off in the instances metadata (enable-oslogin="FALSE"). The only account with sudoer rights that can log in the cluster is configured by the variable sudoer_username (default: centos).

10.1 Disable Puppet

If you plan to modify configuration files manually, you will need to disable Puppet. Otherwise, you might find out that your modifications have disappeared in a 30-minute window.

Puppet executes a run every 30 minutes and at reboot. To disable puppet:

sudo puppet agent --disable "<MESSAGE>"

10.2 Replace the Guest Account Password

Refer to section 4.11.

10.3 Add LDAP Users

Users can be added to Magic Castle LDAP database (FreeIPA) with either one of the following methods: hieradata, command-line, and Mokey web-portal. Each method is presented in the following subsections.

New LDAP users are automatically assigned a home folder on NFS.

Magic Castle determines if an LDAP user should be member of a Slurm account based on its POSIX groups. When a user is added to a POSIX group, a daemon try to match the group name to the following regular expression:


If there is a match, the user will be added to a Slurm account with the same name, and will gain access to the corresponding project folder under /project.

Note: The regular expression represents how Compute Canada names its resources allocation. The regular expression can be redefined, see profile::accounts:::project_regex

10.3.1 hieradata

Using the hieradata variable in the, it is possible to define LDAP users.

Examples of LDAP user definition with hieradata are provided in puppet-magic_castle documentation.

10.3.2 Command-Line

To add a user account after the cluster is built, log in mgmt1 and call:

kinit admin
IPA_GUEST_PASSWD=<new_user_passwd> /sbin/ <username> [--group <group_name>]

10.3.3 Mokey

If user sign-up with Mokey is enabled, users can create their own account at


It is possible that an administrator is required to enable the account with Mokey. You can access the administrative panel of FreeIPA at :


The FreeIPA administrator credentials can be retrieved from an encrypted file on the Puppet server. Refer to section 10.14 to know how.

10.4 Increase the Number of Guest Accounts

To increase the number of guest accounts after creating the cluster with Terraform, simply increase the value of nb_users, then call :

terraform apply

Each instance's Puppet agent will be reloaded following the copy of the hieradata files, and the new accounts will be created.

10.5 Restrict SSH Access

By default, instances tagged login have their port 22 opened to entire world. If you know the range of ip addresses that will connect to your cluster, we strongly recommend that you limit the access to port 22 to this range.

To limit the access to port 22, refer to section 4.14 firewall_rules, and replace the cidr of the ssh rule to match the range of ip addresses that have be the allowed to connect to the cluster. If there are more than one range, create multiple rules with distinct names.

10.6 Add Packages to Jupyter Default Python Kernel

The default Python kernel corresponds to the Python installed in /opt/ipython-kernel. Each compute node has its own copy of the environment. To add packages to this environment, add the following lines to hieradata in

  - package_A
  - package_B
  - package_C

and replace package_* by the packages you need to install. Then call:

terraform apply

10.7 Activate Globus Endpoint

No longer supported

10.8 Recovering from puppet rebuild

The modifications of some of the parameters in the file can trigger the rebuild of the puppet instance. This instance hosts the Puppet Server on which depends the Puppet agent of the other instances. When puppet is rebuilt, the other Puppet agents cease to recognize Puppet Server identity since the Puppet Server identity and certificates have been regenerated.

To fix the Puppet agents, you will need to apply the following commands on each instance other than puppet once puppet is rebuilt:

sudo systemctl stop puppet
sudo rm -rf /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/
sudo systemctl start puppet

Then, on puppet, you will need to sign the new certificate requests made by the instances. First, you can list the requests:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca list

Then, if every instance is listed, you can sign all requests:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca sign --all

If you prefer, you can sign individual request by specifying their name:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca sign --certname NAME[,NAME]

10.9 Dealing with banned ip addresses (fail2ban)

Login nodes run fail2ban, an intrusion prevention software that protects login nodes from brute-force attacks. fail2ban is configured to ban ip addresses that attempted to login 20 times and failed in a window of 60 minutes. The ban time is 24 hours.

In the context of a workshop with SSH novices, the 20-attempt rule might be triggered, resulting in participants banned and puzzled, which is a bad start for a workshop. There are solutions to mitigate this problem.

10.9.1 Define a list of ip addresses that can never be banned

fail2ban keeps a list of ip addresses that are allowed to fail to login without risking jail time. To add an ip address to that list, add the following lines to the variable hieradata in

  - x.x.x.x
  - y.y.y.y
where x.x.x.x and y.y.y.y are ip addresses you want to add to the ignore list. The ip addresses can be written using CIDR notations. The ignore ip list on Magic Castle already includes and the cluster subnet CIDR.

Once the line is added, call:

terraform apply

10.9.2 Remove fail2ban ssh-route jail

fail2ban rule that banned ip addresses that failed to connect with SSH can be disabled. To do so, add the following line to the variable hieradata in

fail2ban::jails: ['ssh-ban-root']
This will keep the jail that automatically ban any ip that tries to login as root, and remove the ssh failed password jail.

Once the line is added, call:

terraform apply

10.9.3 Unban ip addresses

fail2ban ban ip addresses by adding rules to iptables. To remove these rules, you need to tell fail2ban to unban the ips.

To list the ip addresses that are banned, execute the following command:

sudo fail2ban-client status ssh-route

To unban ip addresses, enter the following command followed by the ip addresses you want to unban:

sudo fail2ban-client set ssh-route unbanip

10.9.4 Disable fail2ban

While this is not recommended, fail2ban can be completely disabled. To do so, add the following line to the variable hieradata in

fail2ban::service_ensure: 'stopped'

then call :

terraform apply

10.11 Set SELinux in permissive mode

SELinux can be set in permissive mode to debug new workflows that would be prevented by SELinux from working properly. To do so, add the following line to the variable hieradata in

selinux::mode: 'permissive'

10.12 Create a compute node image

When scaling the compute node pool, either manually by changing the count or automatically with Slurm autoscale, it can become beneficial to reduce the time spent configuring the machine when it boots for the first time, hence reducing the time requires before it becomes available in Slurm. One way to achieve this is to clone the root disk of a fully configured compute node and use it as the base image of future compute nodes.

This process has three steps:

  1. Prepare the volume for image cloning
  2. Create the image
  3. Configure Magic Castle Terraform code to use the new image

The following subsection explains how to accomplish each step.

Warning: While it will work in most cases, avoid re-using the compute node image of a previous deployment. The preparation steps cleans most of the deployment specific configuration and secrets, but there is no guarantee that the configuration will be entirely compatible with a different deployment.

10.12.1 Prepare the volume for cloning

The environment puppet-magic_castle installs a script that prepares the volume for cloning named

To make sure a node is ready for cloning, open its puppet agent log and validate the catalog was successfully applied at least once:

journalctl -u puppet | grep "Applied catalog"

To prepare the volume for cloning, execute the following line while connected to the compute node:

sudo /usr/sbin/

Be aware that, since it is preferable for the instance to be powered off when cloning its volume, the script halts the machine once it is completed. Therefore, after executing, you will be disconnected from the instance.

The script executes the following steps in order:

  1. Stop and disable puppet agent
  2. Stop and disable slurm compute node daemon (slurmd)
  3. Stop and disable consul agent daemon
  4. Stop and disable consul-template daemon
  5. Unenroll the host from the IPA server
  6. Remove puppet agent configuration files in /etc
  7. Remove consul agent identification files
  8. Unmount NFS directories
  9. Remove NFS directories /etc/fstab
  10. Stop syslog
  11. Clear /var/log/message content
  12. Remove cloud-init's logs and artifacts so it can re-run
  13. Power off the machine

10.12.2 Create the image

Once the instance is powered off, access your cloud provider dashboard, find the instance and follow the provider's instructions to create the image.

Note down the name/id of the image you created, it will be needed during the next step.

10.12.3 Configure Magic Castle Terraform code to use the new image

Edit your and add image = "name-or-id-of-your-image" to the dictionary defining the instance. The instance previously powered off will be powered on and future non-instantiated machines will use the image at the next execution of terraform apply.

If the cluster is composed of heterogeneous compute nodes, it is possible to create an image for each type of compute nodes. Here is an example with Google Cloud

instances = {
  mgmt   = { type = "n2-standard-2", tags = ["puppet", "mgmt", "nfs"], count = 1 }
  login  = { type = "n2-standard-2", tags = ["login", "public", "proxy"], count = 1 }
  node   = {
    type = "n2-standard-2"
    tags = ["node", "pool"]
    count = 10
    image = "rocky-mc-cpu-node"
  gpu    = {
    type = "n1-standard-2"
    tags = ["node", "pool"]
    count = 10
    gpu_type = "nvidia-tesla-t4"
    gpu_count = 1
    image = "rocky-mc-gpu-node"

10.13 Read and edit secret values generated at boot

During the cloud-init initialization phase, script is executed. This script generates a set of encrypted secret values that are required by the Magic Castle Puppet environment:

  • profile::consul::acl_api_token
  • profile::freeipa::mokey::password
  • profile::freeipa::server::admin_password
  • profile::freeipa::server::ds_password
  • profile::slurm::accounting::password
  • profile::slurm::base::munge_key

To read or change the value of one of these keys, use eyaml edit command on the puppet host, like this:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/eyaml edit \
  --pkcs7-private-key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/eyaml/boot_private_key.pkcs7.pem \
  --pkcs7-public-key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/eyaml/boot_public_key.pkcs7.pem \

It is also possible to redefine the values of these keys by adding the key-value pair to the hieradata configuration file. Refer to section 4.13 hieradata. User defined values take precedence over boot generated values in the Magic Castle Puppet data hierarchy.

10.14 Expand a volume

Volumes defined in the volumes map can be expanded at will. To enable online extension of a volume, add enable_resize = true to its specs map. You can then increase the size at will. The corresponding volume will be expanded by the cloud provider and the filesystem will be extended by Puppet.

11. Customize Magic Castle Terraform Files

You can modify the Terraform module files in the folder named after your cloud provider (e.g: gcp, openstack, aws, etc.)