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Magic Castle Terraform Structure

Figure 1 (below) illustrates how Magic Castle is structured to provide a unified interface between multiple cloud providers. Each blue block is a file or a module, while white blocks are variables or resources. Arrows indicate variables or resources that contribute to the definition of the linked variables or resources. The figure can be read as a flow-chart from top to bottom. Some resources and variables have been left out of the chart to avoid cluttering it further.

Magic Castle Terraform Structure Figure 1. Magic Castle Terraform Project Structure

  1. User provides the instances and volumes structure they wants as _map_s.
    instances = {
      mgmt  = { type = "p4-7.5gb", tags = ["puppet", "mgmt", "nfs"] }
      login = { type = "p2-3.75gb", tags = ["login", "public", "proxy"] }
      node  = { type = "p2-3.75gb", tags = ["node"], count = 2 }
    volumes = {
      nfs = {
        home     = { size = 100 }
        project  = { size = 500 }
        scratch  = { size = 500 }
  2. common/design:

    1. the instances map is expanded to form a new map where each entry represents a single host.
      instances = {
        mgmt1 = {
          type = "p2-3.75gb"
          tags = ["puppet", "mgmt", "nfs"]
        login1 = {
          type = "p2-3.75gb"
          tags = ["login", "public", "proxy"]
        node1 = {
          type = "p2-3.75gb"
          tags = ["node"]
        node2 = {
          type = "p2-3.75gb"
          tags = ["node"]
    2. the volumes map is expanded to form a new map where each entry represent a single volume
      volumes = {
        mgmt1-nfs-home    = { size = 100 }
        mgmt1-nfs-project = { size = 100 }
        mgmt1-nfs-scratch = { size = 500 }
  3. the instances map from common/design is used to generate a network interface (nic) for each host, and a public ip address for each host with the public tag.

    resource "provider_network_interface" "nic" {
      for_each =

  4. common/configuration: for each host in instances, a cloud-init yaml config that includes puppetservers is generated. These configs are outputted to a user_data map where the keys are the hostnames.

    user_data = {
      for key, values in var.instances :
        key => templatefile("${path.module}/puppet.yaml", { ... })

  5. for each host in instances, an instance resource as defined by the selected cloud provider is generated. Each instance is initially configured by its user_data cloud-init yaml config.

    resource "provider_instance" "instances" {
      for_each  =
      user_data = module.instance_config.user_data[each.key]

  6. for each volume in volumes, a block device as defined by the selected cloud provider is generated and attached it to its matching instance using an attachment resource.

    resource "provider_volume" "volumes" {
      for_each =
      size     = each.value.size
    resource "provider_attachment" "attachments" {
      for_each    =
      instance_id = provider_instance.instances[each.value.instance].id
      volume_id   = provider_volume.volumes[each.key].id

  7. the created instances' information are consolidated in a map named inventory.

    inventory = {
      mgmt1 = {
        public_ip = ""
        local_ip  = ""
        id        = "abc1213-123-1231"
        tags      = ["mgmt", "puppet", "nfs"]

  8. common/provision: the information from created instances is consolidated and written in a yaml file namedterraform_data.yaml that is uploaded on the Puppet server as part of the hieradata.

    resource "terraform_data" "deploy_puppetserver_files" {
      provisioner "file" {
        content     = var.terraform_data
        destination = "terraform_data.yaml"

  9. the information of all instances that have a public address are output as a map named public_instances.

Resource per provider

In the previous section, we have used generic resource name when writing HCL code that defines these resources. The following table indicate what resource is used for each provider based on its role in the cluster.

Resource AWS Azure Google Cloud Platform OpenStack OVH
network aws_vpc azurerm_virtual_network google_compute_network prebuilt openstack_networking_network_v2
subnet aws_subnet azurerm_subnet google_compute_subnetwork prebuilt openstack_networking_subnet_v2
router aws_route not used google_compute_router built-in not used
nat aws_internet_gateway not used google_compute_router_nat built-in not used
firewall aws_security_group azurerm_network_security_group google_compute_firewall openstack_compute_secgroup_v2 openstack_compute_secgroup_v2
nic aws_network_interface azurerm_network_interface google_compute_address openstack_networking_port_v2 openstack_networking_port_v2
public ip aws_eip azurerm_public_ip google_compute_address openstack_networking_floatingip_v2 openstack_networking_network_v2
instance aws_instance azurerm_linux_virtual_machine google_compute_instance openstack_compute_instance_v2 openstack_compute_instance_v2
volume aws_ebs_volume azurerm_managed_disk google_compute_disk openstack_blockstorage_volume_v3 openstack_blockstorage_volume_v3
attachment aws_volume_attachment azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment google_compute_attached_disk openstack_compute_volume_attach_v2 openstack_compute_volume_attach_v2

Using reference design to extend for a new cloud provider

Magic Castle currently supports five cloud providers, but its design makes it easy to add new providers. This section presents a step-by-step guide to add a new cloud provider support to Magic Castle.

  1. Identify the resources. Using the Resource per provider table, read the cloud provider Terraform documentation, and identify the name for each resource in the table.

  2. Check minimum requirements. Once all resources have been identified, you should be able to determine if the cloud provider can be used to deploy Magic Castle. If you found a name for each resource listed in table, the cloud provider can be supported. If some resources are missing, you will need to read the provider's documentation to determine if the absence of the resource can be compensated for somehow.

  3. Initialize the provider folder. Create a folder named after the provider. In this folder, create two symlinks, one pointing to common/ and the other to common/ These files define the interface common to all providers supported by Magic Castle.

  4. Define cloud provider specifics variables. Create a file named after your provider and define variables that are required by the provider but not common to all providers, for example the availability zone or the region. In this file, define two local variables named cloud_provider and cloud_region.

  5. Initialize the infrastructure. Create a file named In this file:

    1. define the provider block if it requires input parameters, i.e: var.region
      provider "provider_name" {
        region = var.region
    2. include the design module
      module "design" {
        source       = "../common/design"
        cluster_name = var.cluster_name
        domain       = var.domain
        instances    = var.instances
        pool         = var.pool
        volumes      = var.volumes
  6. Create the networking infrastructure. Create a file named and define the network, subnet, router, nat, firewall, nic and public ip resources using the map.

  7. Create the volumes. In, define the volumes resource using

  8. Consolidate the instances' information. In, define a local variable named inventory that will be a map containing the following keys for each instance: public_ip, local_ip, prefix, tags, and specs (#cpu, #gpus, ram, volumes). For the volumes, you need to provide the paths under which the volumes will be found on the instances to which they are attached. This is typically derived from the volume id. Here is an example:

    volumes = contains(keys(, x) ? {
      for pv_key, pv_values in var.volumes:
        pv_key => {
          for name, specs in pv_values:
            name => ["/dev/disk/by-id/*${substr(provider.volumes["${x}-${pv_key}-${name}"].id, 0, 20)}"]
        } if contains(values.tags, pv_key)
      } : {}

  9. Create the instance configurations. In, include the common/configuration module like this:

    module "configuration" {
      source                = "../common/configuration"
      inventory             = local.inventory
      config_git_url        = var.config_git_url
      config_version        = var.config_version
      sudoer_username       = var.sudoer_username
      public_keys           = var.public_keys
      domain_name           =
      cluster_name          = var.cluster_name
      guest_passwd          = var.guest_passwd
      nb_users              = var.nb_users
      software_stack        = var.software_stack
      cloud_provider        = local.cloud_provider
      cloud_region          = local.cloud_region

  10. Create the instances. In, define the instances resource using for the instance attributes and module.configuration.user_data for the initial configuration.

  11. Attach the volumes. In, define the attachments resource using and refer to the attribute each.value.instance to retrieve the instance's id to which the volume needs to be attached.

  12. Identify the public instances. In, define a local variable named public_instances that contains the attributes of instances that are publicly accessible from Internet and their ids.

    locals {
      public_instances = { for host in keys(
        host => merge(module.configuration.inventory[host], {id=cloud_provider_instance_resource.instances[host].id})
        if contains(module.configuration.inventory[host].tags, "public")

  13. Include the provision module to transmit Terraform data to the Puppet server. In, include the common/provision module like this

    module "provision" {
      source          = "../common/provision"
      bastions        = local.public_instances
      puppetservers   = module.configuration.puppetservers
      tf_ssh_key      = module.configuration.ssh_key
      terraform_data  = module.configuration.terraform_data
      terraform_facts = module.configuration.terraform_facts
      hieradata       = var.hieradata
      sudoer_username = var.sudoer_username

An example

  1. Identify the resources. For Digital Ocean, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, we get the following resource mapping: | Resource | Digital Ocean | Oracle Cloud | Alibaba Cloud | | ----------- | :-------------------- | :-------------------- | :-------------------- | | network | digitalocean_vpc | oci_core_vcn | alicloud_vpc | | subnet | built in vpc | oci_subnet | alicloud_vswitch | | router | n/a | oci_core_route_table | built in vpc | | nat | n/a | oci_core_internet_gateway | alicloud_nat_gateway | | firewall | digitalocean_firewall | oci_core_security_list | alicloud_security_group | | nic | n/a | built in instance | alicloud_network_interface | | public ip | digitalocean_floating_ip | built in instance | alicloud_eip | | instance | digitalocean_droplet | oci_core_instance | alicloud_instance | | volume | digitalocean_volume | oci_core_volume | alicloud_disk | | attachment | digitalocean_volume_attachment | oci_core_volume_attachment | alicloud_disk_attachment |

  2. Check minimum requirements. In the preceding table, we can see Digital Ocean does not have the ability to define a network interface. The documentation also leads us to conclude that it is not possible to define the private ip address of the instances before creating them. Because the Puppet server ip address is required before generating the cloud-init YAML config for all instances, including the Puppet server itself, this means it impossible to use Digital Ocean to spawn a Magic Castle cluster.

    Oracle Cloud presents the same issue, however, after reading the instance documentation, we find that it is possible to define a static ip address as a string in the instance attribute. It would therefore be possible to create a datastructure in Terraform that would associate each instance hostname with an ip address in the subnet CIDR.

    Alibaba cloud has an answer for each resource, so we will use this provider in the following steps.

  3. Initialize the provider folder. In a terminal:

    git clone
    cd magic_castle
    mkdir alicloud
    cd aliclcoud
    ln -s ../common/{variables,outputs}.tf .

  4. Define cloud provider specifics variables. Add the following to a new file

    variable "region" { }
    locals {
      cloud_provider  = "alicloud"
      cloud_region    = var.region

  5. Initialize the infrastructure. Add the following to a new file

    provider "alicloud" {
      region = var.region
    module "design" {
      source       = "../common/design"
      cluster_name = var.cluster_name
      domain       = var.domain
      instances    = var.instances
      pool         = var.pool
      volumes      = var.volumes

  6. Create the networking infrastructure. base template:

    resource "alicloud_vpc" "network" { }
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "subnet" { }
    resource "alicloud_nat_gateway" "nat" { }
    resource "alicloud_security_group" "firewall" { }
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_in_services" { }
    resource "alicloud_security_group" "allow_any_inside_vpc" { }
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_ingress_inside_vpc" { }
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_egress_inside_vpc" { }
    resource "alicloud_network_interface" "nic" { }
    resource "alicloud_eip" "public_ip" { }
    resource "alicloud_eip_association" "eip_asso" { }

  7. Create the volumes. Add and complete the following snippet to

    resource "alicloud_disk" "volumes" {
      for_each =

  8. Consolidate the instances' information. Add the following snippet to

    locals {
      inventory = { for x, values in :
        x => {
          public_ip   = contains(values["tags"], "public") ? alicloud_eip.public_ip[x].public_ip : ""
          local_ip    = alicloud_network_interface.nic[x].private_ip
          tags        = values["tags"]
          id          = alicloud_instance.instances[x].id
          specs       = {
            cpus = ...
            gpus = ...
            ram = ...
            volumes = contains(keys(, x) ? {
              for pv_key, pv_values in var.volumes:
                pv_key => {
                  for name, specs in pv_values:
                    name => ["/dev/disk/by-id/virtio-${replace(alicloud_disk.volumes["${x}-${pv_key}-${name}"].id, "d-", "")}"]
                } if contains(values.tags, pv_key)
              } : {}

  9. Create the instance configurations. In, include the common/configuration module like this:

    module "configuration" {
      source                = "../common/configuration"
      inventory             = local.inventory
      config_git_url        = var.config_git_url
      config_version        = var.config_version
      sudoer_username       = var.sudoer_username
      public_keys           = var.public_keys
      domain_name           =
      cluster_name          = var.cluster_name
      guest_passwd          = var.guest_passwd
      nb_users              = var.nb_users
      software_stack        = var.software_stack
      cloud_provider        = local.cloud_provider
      cloud_region          = local.cloud_region

  10. Create the instances. Add and complete the following snippet to

    resource "alicloud_instance" "instances" {
      for_each =

  11. Attach the volumes. Add and complete the following snippet to

    resource "alicloud_disk_attachment" "attachments" {
      for_each =

  12. Identify the public instances. In, define a local variable named public_instances that contains the attributes of instances that are publicly accessible from Internet and their ids.

    locals {
      public_instances = { for host in keys(
        host => merge(module.configuration.inventory[host], {id=alicloud_instance.instances[host].id})
        if contains(module.configuration.inventory[host].tags, "public")

  13. Include the provision module to transmit Terraform data to the Puppet server. In, include the common/provision module like this

    module "provision" {
      source          = "../common/provision"
      bastions        = local.public_instances
      puppetservers   = module.configuration.puppetservers
      tf_ssh_key      = module.configuration.ssh_key
      terraform_data  = module.configuration.terraform_data
      terraform_facts = module.configuration.terraform_facts
      hieradata       = var.hieradata

Once your new provider is written, you can write an example that will use the module to spawn a Magic Castle cluster with that provider.

module "alicloud" {
  source         = "./alicloud"
  config_git_url = ""
  config_version = "main"

  cluster_name = "new"
  domain       = ""
  image        = "centos_7_9_x64_20G_alibase_20210318.vhd"
  nb_users     = 10

  instances = {
    mgmt   = { type = "ecs.g6.large", tags = ["puppet", "mgmt", "nfs"] }
    login  = { type = "ecs.g6.large", tags = ["login", "public", "proxy"] }
    node   = { type = "ecs.g6.large", tags = ["node"], count = 1 }

  volumes = {
    nfs = {
      home     = { size = 10 }
      project  = { size = 50 }
      scratch  = { size = 50 }

  public_keys = [file("~/.ssh/")]

  # Alicloud specifics
  region  = "us-west-1"