Analyzing Molecular Dynamics Data with PYTRAJ

Using PYTRAJ in Jupyter Notebook


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What tools are available to analyze my MD-data?

  • How to setup Jupyter for simulation analysis?

  • Learn how to set up and use Jupyter notebook on Alliance clusters.

What is PYTRAJ?

PYTRAJ is a Python front end to AMBER’s CPPTRAJ package. The CPPTRAJ software provides an array of high-level analysis commands, as well as batch processing capabilities. You can perform many operations on raw MD trajectories with PYTRAJ/CPPTRAJ. For example, convert between trajectory formats, process groups of trajectories generated with ensemble methods, create average structures, create subsets of the system, etc. A large number of files can be handled by PYTRAJ in parallel, and it can handle very large trajectory sizes.

There are more than 50 types of analysis in PyTRAJ, including RMS fitting, measuring distances, B-factors, radii of gyration, radial distribution functions, and time correlations. In PyTRAJ, parallelization is implemented by MPI, and its use is relatively straightforward. You won’t have to write complicated code or know much about MPI to use it.

MDAnalysis, MDTraj, Pteros, LOOS/PyLOOS are other useful MD analysis packages. These packages provide libraries that can be used to compose analysis programs. Even though this approach offers great flexibility, it will take you longer to master it because it has a steep learning curve.


  1. PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data

Installing modules for working with JupyterHub.

Python interacts with Jupyter Notebook servers through IPython kernels. When we loaded the Amber/22 module the appropriate Python and IPython modules were loaded as well. The new IPython kernel has to be added to Jupyter before it can can be accessed from the notebook. The kernel can be named whatever you want, for instance, “env-pytraj”.

We also install two python modules that we will be using:

  1. NGLview, a Jupyter widget for molecular visualization.
  2. Seaborn, a Python data visualization library. It extends a popular matplotlib library providing a high-level interface for drawing, templates for attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Installing a Python Virtual Environment and a Jupyter Notebook (only for working without JupyterHub).

Jupyter notebooks are becoming increasingly popular for data analysis and visualization. One of Jupyter notebooks’s most attractive features is its ability to combine different media (code, notes, and visualizations) in one place. Your work is much easier to manage and share with notebooks because everything is kept in one place that you can easily access.

Before going into details of MD analysis with PYTRAJ we need to create a Python virtual environment. The virtual environment is a framework for separating multiple Python installations from one another and managing them. A virtual environment is needed since we will be installing Python modules for this lesson and managing Python modules on Alliance systems is best done in a virtual environment.

In this lesson, we will be using PYTRAJ from AmberTools/22. To setup a python virtual environment first load the AmberTools/22 module:

Load the AmberTools/22 module:

ml --force purge
ml StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/22

The next step is to install and activate a virtual environment:

Install and activate a virtual environment:

virtualenv ~/env-pytraj
source ~/env-pytraj/bin/activate

Once a virtual environment is installed and activated, we can install the Jupyter Notebook server.

Install Jupyter Notebook server:

pip install --no-index jupyter

Python interacts with Jupyter Notebook servers through IPython kernels. When we loaded the Ambertools/22 module the appropriate Python and IPython modules were loaded as well. The new IPython kernel specification has to be added to Jupyter before the environment env-pytraj can be accessed from the notebook. The kernel can be named whatever you want, for instance, “env-pytraj”.

Add the new IPython kernel specification to Jupyter:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=env-pytraj

Finally, install three more packages that we will be using:

  1. NGLview, a Jupyter widget for molecular visualization.
  2. Pickle, a module providing functions for serializing Python objects (conversion into a byte stream). Objects need to be serialized for storage on a hard disk and loaded back into Python.
  3. Seaborn, a Python data visualization library. It extends a popular matplotlib library providing a high-level interface for drawing, templates for attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Install three more packages that will be used in this tutorial:

pip install nglview pickle5 seaborn 

As NGL viewer is a Jupyter notebook widget, we need to install and enable Jupyter widgets extension:

jupyter nbextension install widgetsnbextension --py --sys-prefix 
jupyter-nbextension enable widgetsnbextension --py --sys-prefix

The nglview Python module provides NGLview Jupyter extension. Thus, we don’t need to install it, but we need to enable it before we can use it:

jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix

We are now ready to start Jupyter notebook server. The new Python kernel with the name env-pytraj will be available for our notebooks.

Launching a Jupyter Server

While the following example is for launching Jupyter on the training cluster, the procedure is the same on all other Alliance systems. To launch a Jupyter server on any cluster, you only need to change the name of the login and the compute nodes.

To make AmberTools/22 available in a notebook, we need to load the ambertools/22 module and activate the virtual environment before starting the Jupyter server.

Launching a server involves a sequence of several commands. It is convenient to save them in a file. You can later execute commands from this file (we call this “source file”) instead of typing them every time.

Let’s create a Jupyter startup file for use with AmberTools module,, with the following content:

ml --force purge
ml StdEnv/2020  gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/22
source ~/env-pytraj/bin/activate
jupyter notebook --ip $(hostname -f) --no-browser

Make it executable:

chmod +x

Before starting the Jupyter server, we need to allocate CPUs and RAM for our notebook. Let’s request two MPI tasks because we will learn how to analyze data in parallel.

Submit request of an interactive resource allocation using the salloc command:

salloc --ntasks=2 --mem-per-cpu=1000 --time=4:0:0

Wait for the allocation to complete. When it’s done, you will see that the command prompt changed:

[user100@login1 ~]$ salloc --ntasks=2 --mem-per-cpu=1000 --time=3:0:0
salloc: Granted job allocation 168
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes node1 are ready for job
[user45@node1 ~]$  

In this example, salloc allocated the resources and logged you into the compute node node1. Note the name of the node where the notebook server will be running. You will need it to create ssh tunnel.

Now we can start the Jupyter server by executing commands from the file

[I 15:27:14.717 NotebookApp]

Do not close this window, closing it will terminate the server.
Take a note of:

  1. the node [node1],
  2. the port number [8888],
  3. the notebook access token [442c622380cc87d682b5dc2f7b0f61912eb2d06edd6a2079]

You will need this data to connect to the Jupyter notebook.

Jupiter uses port 8888 by default, but if this port is already used (for example, if you or some other user have already started the server), Jupyter will use the next available port.

Connecting to a Jupyter server

The message in the example above informs that the notebook server is listening at port 8888 of the node1. Compute nodes cannot be accessed directly from the Internet, but we can connect to the login node, and the login node can connect to any compute node. Thus, connection to a compute node should also be possible. How do we connect to node1 at port 8888? We can instruct ssh client program to map port 8888 of node1 to a port on the local computer. This type of connection is called tunneling or port forwarding. SSH tunneling allows transporting networking data between computers over an encrypted connection.

The figure below shows ssh tunnels to node1 and node2 opened by two users via the host In this example, three Jupyter servers started by different users are listening at ports 8888, 8889, and 8890 of each node. Jupyter server of user04 runs at node2:8888, and this user is tunneling it to port 8888 of his local computer. Jupyter server of user34 runs at node1:8890, and this user wanted to use his local port 7945.

schematic of two SSH-tunnels

Open another terminal tab or window and run the command:

ssh -L 8888:node1:8888

Replace the port number and the node name with the appropriate values.

This SSH session created a tunnel from your computer to node1. The tunnel will be active only while the session is running. Do not close this window and do not log out, as this will close the tunnel and disconnect you from the notebook.

Now in the browser on your local computer, you can navigate to localhost:8888, and enter the token when prompted.

Once Jupyter is loaded, open a new notebook. Ensure that you create a notebook with the python kernel matching the active environment (env-pytraj), or the kernel will fail to start!

Using MobaXterm (on Windows)

Users of MobaXterm can use the “SSH Session” as usual to open the first terminal tab which they can use to start the interactive job (salloc) and the Jupyter server.

To establish the SSH-tunnels with a second SSH-session, we want to first open a Local terminal: MobaXterm: Button "Start local terminal"

In the local terminal we then use the same ssh command as shown above to create the SSH-tunnel SSH command in local terminal

Uninstalling the IPython kernel:

jupyter kernelspec list
jupyter kernelspec uninstall env-pytraj

Key Points

  • By keeping everything in one easy accessible place Jupyter notebooks greatly simplify the management and sharing of your work

Plotting Energy Components in Jupyter Notebook


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to extract energy components from simulation logs?

  • How to load and plot energy components?

  • Learn to extract energy components from simulation logs

  • Learn to plot energy components

Extracting Energy Components from Simulation Logs.

We are now ready to use pytraj in the Jupyter notebook. Let’s plot energies from the simulation logs of our equilibration runs.

First, we load pandas and matplotlib modules. Then move into the directory where the input data files are located:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_01

Extract some energy components (total energy, temperature, pressure, and volume) from the equilibration log and save them in the file energy.dat:

!./ equilibration_1.log

File is shell script calling cpptraj program to do the job:

echo "Usage: extract_energies simulation_log_file" 

cpptraj << EOF
readdata $log
writedata energy.dat $log[Etot] $log[TEMP] $log[PRESS] $log[VOLUME] time 0.1

Plotting energy components

Read the data saved in the file energy.dat into a pandas dataframe and plot it:

df=pd.read_table('energy.dat', delim_whitespace=True)
df.columns=["Time", "Etot", "Temp", "Press", "Volume"]
df.plot(subplots=True, x="Time", xlabel="Time, ps", figsize=(6, 8))

Key Points

The Basics of PYTRAJ


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to load MD-trajectories into PYTRAJ?

  • How to calculate RMSD to a reference?

  • Learn how to calculate and plot RMSD

  • Learn how to run analysis in parallel using MPI

Computing RMSD

We are now ready to use pytraj in a Jupyter notebook.

View Notebook

import pytraj as pt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

%cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_02

Load the topology and the trajectory:

traj=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7') 

You can also select slices from each of the trajectories, for example load only frames from 100 to 110 from mdcrd_nowat.xtc:

traj_slice=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7', frame_slice=[(100, 110)]) 

View ptraj.iterload manual

To compute RMSD we need a reference structure. We will use the initial pdb file to see how different is our simulation from the experimental structure. Load the reference frame:

ref_coor = pt.load('inpcrd_nowat.pdb')

Before computing RMSD automatically center and image molecules/residues/atoms that are outside of the box back into the box.


Generate time axis for RMSD plot. The trajectory was saved every 0.001 ns, and we have 3140 frames.

time=np.linspace(0, 3.139, 3140)

Compute and plot RMSD of the protein backbone atoms. We can compute and plot RMSD using the initial pdb file and a frame from the trajectory as reference structure.

rmsd_ref = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=ref_coor, nofit=False, mask='@C,N,O')
rmsd_first= pt.rmsd(traj, ref=traj[0], nofit=False, mask='@C,N,O')
plt.xlabel("Time, ns")
plt.ylabel("RMSD, $ \AA $")

Slicing trajectories

Other ways to slice a trajectory:

print(traj[-1])     # The last frame
print(traj[0:8])    # Frames 0 to 7
print(traj[0:8:2])  # Frames 0 to 7 with stride 2
print(traj[::2])    # All frames with stride 2
print(traj(0,20,4)) # Creates frame iterator with (start, stop, step)


  1. Compute and plot RMSD of all nucleic acid atoms (residues U,A,G,C) excluding hydrogens for all frames.
  2. Compute and plot RMSD of all protein atoms (residues 1-859) excluding hydrogens for frames 1000-1999.
  3. Repeat using coordinates from frame 500 as a reference.
    View Atom selection syntax


rmsd1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=ref_coor, nofit=False, mask='(:U,A,G,C)&!(@H=)')
rmsd2 = pt.rmsd(traj(1000,2000), ref=ref_coor, nofit=False, mask='(:1-859)&!(@H=)')
plt.xlabel("Time, ns")
plt.ylabel("RMSD, $ \AA $")

Distributed Parallel RMSD Calculation

View Notebook

import pytraj as pt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pickle

cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_02

To process trajectory in parallel we need to create a Python script file instead of entering commands in the notebook. This script when executed with srun will use all available MPI tasks. Each task will process its share of frames and send the result to the master task. The master task will “pickle” the computed rmsd data and save it as a Python object.

To create the Python script directly from the notebook we will use Jupyter magic command %%file.


import pytraj as pt
import pickle
from mpi4py import MPI

# initialize MPI 

# get the rank of the process
rank = comm.rank

# load the trajectory file
traj=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7') 
ref_coor = pt.load('inpcrd_nowat.pdb')

# call pmap_mpi function for MPI.
# we dont need to specify the number of CPUs, 
# because we will use srun to run the script
data = pt.pmap_mpi(pt.rmsd, traj, mask='@C,N,O', ref=ref_coor)

# pmap_mpi sends data to rank 0
# rank 0 saves data 
if rank == 0:
    with open("rmsd.dat", "wb") as fp: 
         pickle.dump(data, fp)

Run the script on the cluster. We will take advantage of the resources we have already allocated when we launched Jupyter server and simply use srun without requesting anything:

! srun python

In practice you will be submitting large analysis jobs to the queue with the sbatch command from a normal submission script requesting the desired number of MPI tasks (ntasks).

When the job is done we import the results saved in the file rmsd.dat into Python:

with open("rmsd.dat", "rb") as fp: 

Set *seaborn* plot theme parameters and plot the data:

plt.xlabel("Time, ns")
plt.ylabel("RMSD, $ \AA $")

Key Points

  • By keeping everything in one easy accessible place Jupyter notebooks greatly simplify the management and sharing of your work

Trajectory Visualization in Jupyter Notebook


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to visualize simulation in Jupyter notebook?

  • Learn how to use NGLView to visualize trajectories.

Interactive trajectory visualization with NGLView

Data Visualization is one of the essential skills required to conduct a successful research involving molecular dynamics simulations. It allows you (or other people in the team) to better understand the nature of a process you are studying, and it gives you the ability to convey the proper message to a general audience in a publication.

NGLView is a Jupyter widget for interactive viewing molecular structures and trajectories in notebooks. It runs in a browser and employs WebGL to display molecules like proteins and DNA/RNA with a variety of representations. It is also available as a standalone Web application.

Open a new notebook. Import pytraj, nglview and make sure you are in the right directory

import pytraj as pt
import nglview as nv
%cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_02

Quick test - download and visualize 1si4.pdb.

import nglview as nv
view = nv.show_pdbid("1si4")

Load the trajectory:

traj=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top = 'prmtop_nowat.parm7', frame_slice=[(0,1000)])

Take care of the molecules that moved out of the initial box. The autoimage function will automatically center and image molecules/residues/atoms that are outside of the box back into the initial box.

traj = traj.autoimage()

Create NGLview widget

view = nv.show_pytraj(traj)

Render the view. Try interacting with the viewer using Mouse and Keyboard controls.


Create second view and clear it


Add cartoon representation

view2.add_cartoon('protein', colorScheme="residueindex", opacity=1.0)

Render the view.


Change background color and projection


Add more representations. You can find samples of all representations here.

view2.add_hyperball(':B or :C and not hydrogen', colorScheme="element")

Change animation speed and step

view2.player.parameters = dict(delay=0.5, step=1)

Make animation smoother

view.player.interpolate = True

Try visualizing different atom selections. Selection language is described here

Set size of the widget programmatically

view3._remote_call('setSize', target='Widget', args=['700px', '440px'])
view3.add_ball_and_stick('protein', opacity=0.3, color='grey')
view3.add_hyperball(':B or :C and not hydrogen', colorScheme="element")
view3.add_tube(':B or :C and not hydrogen')

Try changing display projection'orthographic'


  1. NGL viewer: web-based molecular graphics for large complexes

Key Points

Principal Component Analysis


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to perform principal component analysis?

  • How to visualize principal components with VMD

  • Perform principal component analysis

  • Visualize principal components with VMD

Principal component analysis

Principal components can be thought of as a way to explain variance in data. Through PCA, very complex molecular motion is decomposed into orthogonal components. Once these components are sorted, the most significant motions can be identified.

PCA involves diagonalizing the covariance matrix to eliminate instantaneous linear correlations between atomic coordinate fluctuations. We call the largest eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, principal components (PC). After PC are sorted according to their contribution to the overall fluctuations of the data, the first PC describes the largest variance and so forth.

Researchers have found that only a few of the largest principal components are able to accurately describe the dominant motion of the system. Thus, a PCA provides insight into the dynamics of a system by identifying the most prominent motions.

PCA is a complex procedure with many steps. It uses the coordinate covariance matrix calculated from the molecular dynamics trajectory.

  1. To prepare the trajectory for PCA, the coordinates are fitted to a reference frame to eliminate global translations and rotations.
  2. Next, the coordinate covariance matrix (the matrix of deviations from the average structure) is calculated and diagonalized. The diagonalization procedure yields the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues (the contribution of each eigenvector to the total fluctuations).
  3. Once we determine which eigenvectors (principal components) are the largest, we can project trajectory coordinates onto each of them. The term trajectory here refers to a transformed trajectory, in which the coordinates represent each atom’s deviation from its average position. When we project this trajectory onto a PC, we will obtain a pseudo-trajectory that is a representation of motion along the principal component.

All PCA steps are performed automatically by the pca module of ptraj.

View Notebook

import pytraj as pt
import nglview as nv
import numpy as np
import parmed
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

%cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_02

Register all trajectory frames for analysis and move molecules back to the initial box.

frames=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top = 'prmtop_nowat.parm7')
frames = frames.autoimage()

Perform PCA analysis

data = pt.pca(frames, mask=":860-898@O3',C3',C4',C5',O5',P", n_vecs=5)
print('Projection values of each frame to the first mode = {} \n'.format(data[0][0]))
print('Eigvenvalues of the first 5 modes:\n', data[1][0])
print('Eigvenvector of the first mode:\n', data[1][1][0])

Available color maps

plt.scatter(data[0][0], data[0][1], cmap='viridis', marker='o', c=range(frames.n_frames), alpha=0.5)
cbar = plt.colorbar()
cbar.set_label('frame #')

When you look at such plot and see two or more clusters this means that several different conformations exist in the simulation. Our graph shows that the first component separates data into two clusters. The first cluster existed in the beginning of the simulation, and later in the simulation the average projection on this component shifted from 10 to -5. This example trajectory is too short for any reliable conclusion. The results suggest that the system may not yet reached equilibrium.

Visualizing normal modes with VMD plugin Normal Mode Wizard

Download the file “modes.nmd”

scp .

Key Points

Cross-correlation Analysis


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to perform cross-correlation analysis?

  • How to visualize cross-correlation matrices

  • Learn to perform cross-correlation analysis

  • Learn to visualize cross-correlation matrices

Cross-correlation analysis.

Collective motions of atoms in proteins are crucial for the biological function. Molecular dynamics trajectories offer insight into collective motions, which are difficult to see experimentally. By analyzing atomic motions in the simulation, we can identify how all atoms in the system are dynamically linked.

This type of analysis can be performed with the dynamic cross-correlation module atomiccorr. The module computes a matrix of atom-wise cross-correlation coefficients. Matrix elements indicate how strongly two atoms i and j move together. Correlation values range between -1 and 1, where 1 represents full correlation, and -1 represents anticorrelation.

import pytraj as pt
import nglview as nv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

%cd ~/workshop_pytraj/example_02

We will analyze two fragments of the simulation system:

  1. Protein fragment (residues 50-150).
  2. Nucleic acids.

Visualize the whole system

Let’s visualize the whole system before running correlation analysis. This will help to understand where the fragments of the system chosen for analysis are located.

trj_viz=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7', frame_slice=[(0,1999,100)])
trj_viz=trj_viz.autoimage()'@CA origin')
view1 = trj_viz.visualize()'orthographic'
view1.add_hyperball('nucleic and not hydrogen', colorScheme="element")
view1.add_surface('protein', color='grey', opacity=0.3)
view1.add_cartoon('50-150', color='cyan')

Analyze dynamic cross-correlation map for the protein atoms.

We will use residues 50-100, these residues represent a fragment of the protein molecule.

traj=pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7')
corrmat=pt.atomiccorr(traj, mask=":50-150 and not hydrogen")
sns.heatmap(corrmat, center=0, xticklabels=5, yticklabels=5, square=True)

Intrepretation of the correlation map

Calculate dynamic cross-correlation map for the nucleic acids.

In this example we will compare cross-correlation maps computed for different time windows of the molecular dynamics trajectory, and learn how to plot positive and negative correlations in one figure.

Visualize nucleic acids

view = trj_viz.visualize()'orthographic'
view.add_hyperball('nucleic and not hydrogen', colorScheme="element")

Compute correlation map for frames 1-500

As this chunk of the trajectory is already loaded, we just need to recompute the correlation matrix using different atom mask.

traj1 = pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7', frame_slice=[(1, 600)])
corrmat1=pt.atomiccorr(traj1, mask =":860-898 and not hydrogen")

Compute correlation map for frames 1600-1999

Load the second chunk of the trajectory and compute the correlation matrix

traj2 = pt.iterload('mdcrd_nowat.xtc', top='prmtop_nowat.parm7', frame_slice=[(2500, 3140)])
corrmat2=pt.atomiccorr(traj2, mask =":860-898 and not hydrogen")

Create lower and upper triangular masks

Weak negative correlations are hard to see in one figure. Using separate color maps for negative and positive correlations can help to show weaker negative correlations clearly. To achieve this we can set the minimum value for the positive plot, and the maximum value for the negative plot to zero.

We can then combine plots of positive and negative correlations in one plot by showing positive correlations in the upper triangle of the correlation map, and negative correlations in the lower triangle. This can be achieved by removing the lower triangle from the plot of positive correlations, and removing the upper triangle from the plot of negative correlations. To do this we need to create masks for upper and lower triangles.

maskl = np.tril(np.ones_like(corrmat1, dtype=bool))
masku = np.triu(np.ones_like(corrmat1, dtype=bool))

Try different color schemes

#cmap=sns.diverging_palette(250, 30, l=65, center="dark", as_cmap=True)
cmap=sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, as_cmap=True)
#cmap=sns.color_palette("coolwarm", as_cmap=True)
#cmap=sns.color_palette("Spectral", as_cmap=True).reversed()
#cmap=sns.diverging_palette(145, 300, s=60, as_cmap=True)

Plot correlation maps for two trajectory time windows

fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(9,9))
sns.heatmap(corrmat1, mask=maskl, cmap=cmap, center=0.0,vmin=0.0,
            square=True, xticklabels=2, yticklabels=2, ax=ax1)
sns.heatmap(corrmat1, mask=masku, cmap=cmap, center=0.0, vmax=0.0,
sns.heatmap(corrmat2, mask=maskl, cmap=cmap, center=0.0,vmin=0.0,
            square=True, xticklabels=2, yticklabels=2, ax=ax2)
sns.heatmap(corrmat2, mask=masku, cmap=cmap, center=0.0, vmax=0.0,

Interpretation of the map features

View Notebook

Dynamical cross-correlation matrices

Key Points