Cloud Powering DH Research

Key Points

How the Internet works
  • Computers often have an IP on a LAN and connect to the Internet through a router

  • You can see what your computer’s IP is by using either ipconfig on windows or ifconfig on linux or Mac

  • You can see your computer’s public IP using the site

  • Ports allow computers and routers to differentiate types network traffic

Introduction to cloud computing
  • Elasticity refers to the ability to scale devices up or down to meet demand.

  • A Virtual Machine or Virtual Device is simulated with software running on physical hardware.

  • A cloud allows one to borrow or rent virtual devices on-demand.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): the service provider provides you with the ability to create and manage virtual devices. You have complete control over VM configuration.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): the service provider provides you with an environment to build and setup your software.

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): the service provider provides the software and all the infrastructure and operating system configuration and management required to run the software. (e.g. gmail).

  • OpenStack is a cloud operating system which allows you to manage your virtual devices.

Creating a keypair
  • A shell is a text based method for interacting with a computer.

  • SSH is a Secure SHell that allows remote interaction with a computer.

  • An SSH key pair allows a user to be authenticated on a remote computer.

Creating a virtual machine
  • The flavor of a VM prescribes the hardware profile of the VM.

  • A boot source specifies from what the VM should boot.

  • A public key must be inject into the VM in order to connect to it.

  • A floating IP must be added to a VM to connect to it from outside the local network in the cloud.

  • Port 22 must be opened in the security rules to allow SSH to connect to the VM.

Creating a persistent virtual machine
  • p flavors can have their CPUs oversubscribed by up to 8 times.

  • A volume is like a virtual hard drive and allows its contents to persist from one VM to the next.

  • p flavors should typically boot from a volume.

  • A p flavor not booted from a volume will have a very small root disk

Applying updates
  • Use sudo apt update to update the package list.

  • Use sudo apt upgrade to upgrade packages.

  • Reboot after updates have been installed.

  • You may need to repeat the apt update, apt upgrade, reboot process a few times to ensure all updates have been applied.

Creating a web server
  • Use apt search to find a specific package name.

  • Backup configuration files before making changes.

  • The apache2ctrl command is used to manage the apache web service.

  • The systemctl command is used to manage system services.

Installing MySQL
  • MySQL also has a ‘root’ account that is used to manage the MySQL server, this is different from the operating system ‘root’ account used to manage the operating system.

  • The mysql command allows you to view and modify MySQL databases.

  • The SHOW DATABASES command shows the available databases in your MySQL server.

  • The USE command switches which database you actively working with.

  • The SHOW TABLES command shows the tables in the active database.

  • The DESCRIBE <table> command displays data columns present in the given table.

  • The SELECT command displays rows from a table.

  • The UPDATE command is used to modify rows in a table.

  • The EXIT command exits the mysql program.

Installing PHP
Creating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
Creating a WordPress site
Installing OpenStack CL client
  • The CL client can be used to manager your OpenStack project from any computer connected to the Internet.

  • The OpenStack RC file provides settings to connect the CL client with your cloud project.

  • The source command is used to apply settings in a file to your shell environment.

Using the OpenStack CL client
  • openstack help shows the list of available commands.

  • openstack help <command-group> shows the list of sub commands matching <command-group>.

  • openstack help <command-group> <command> shows the help text for <command>.

  • It is important to keep track of the volume disk type.

Automating with cloud-init
  • User data provided to a VM can be either a cloud-config or script file.

  • User data can be set using the --user-data on the command line or using the Post-Creation tab when launching a VM within horizon.

  • Cloud-init can be used to automate the initial installation of configuration of software

  • Cloud-init runs once after the first boot of a newly crated VM

Bash Scripting
  • A for loop executes commands multiple times while changing the loop variable each iteration.

  • A stream is a sequence of data elements which are made available over time.

  • The echo command sends a string to a stream.

  • The head command displays the begging of a file or stream.

  • Pipes | are used to pipe the output of one command to the input of the next.

  • tr translates characters in one set to corresponding characters in another set.

  • Redirects <,> are used to redirect output and input to files or streams.

  • sed is a stream editor which can be used to replace one string with another in a stream.

  • YAML is a format to store data in a way that is human readable.

  • A YAML file can be validated using yamllint.

  • White space is important in YAML.

  • Indentation indicates scope.

  • Block notation (indicated with a |) is used to preserver newline characters.

  • A Keypoint 0

Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT)
  • A Keypoint 0

Your Project Part I
Your Project Part II
Your Project Part III