Preparation and simulation of membrane and membrane-protein systems


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How to prepare a membrane simulation system?

  • How to pack a protein in a lipid bilayer?

  • Prepare a membrane simulation system

  • Pack a protein in a lipid bilayer

Creating simulation systems with packmol-memgen

AMBER Lipid force fields

Amber currently includes Lipid21 as its main membrane force field. In this modular force field, lipids are modeled as polymers composed of a headgroup and acyl tails. Essentially, this means that each headgroup and tail are independent modules, analogous to protein residues. Each lipid molecule is composed of a tail analogous to an “N-terminal”, a central headgroup and another tail analogous to a “C-terminal”. You can combine any headgroup with any pair of tails in this force field. Ok, now you should have an idea how the lipids are represented in the Lipid21 force field, and what lipids you can include in a simulation.

Known Issues: Using MC barostat with hard LJ cutoff is known to cause bilayer deformation. It is recommended to use an LJ force switch when running simulations with the MC barostat.Gomez, 2021

Creating a membrane-only simulation system

cd ~/scratch/workshop_amber/example_06
module purge
module load StdEnv/2023 ambertools
packmol-memgen --available_lipids 
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000M
#SBATCH --time=3:00:00

module purge
module load StdEnv/2023 ambertools/23
packmol-memgen \
    --lipids DOPE:DOPG \
    --ratio 3:1 \
    --distxy_fix 50 \
    --ratio 21:19:1:7//2:6:15:25 \

Example illustrating the building of a bilayer where leaflets consist of different types of lipids is in the section “Hands-on 1: Packing a complex mixture of different lipid species into a bilayer and simulating it”.

Embedding a protein into a bilayer

We will use PDB file 6U9P (wild-type MthK pore in ~150 mM K+) for this exercise.

  1. Use PPM server to orient a protein. PPM server will also take care of assembling the complete tetrameric pore.
  2. Use vmd to remove ligands and conformers B.
module purge
module load StdEnv/2023 vmd
mol new 6U9Pout.pdb
set sel [atomselect top "protein and not altloc B"]
$sel writepdb 6U9P-clean.pdb
  1. Embed the protein into the lipid bilayer
 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000M
 #SBATCH --time=3:00:00
 module purge
 module load StdEnv/2023 ambertools/23
 packmol-memgen \
    --pdb 6U9P-clean.pdb \
    --lipids DOPE:DOPG \
    --ratio 3:1 \
    --preoriented \

Key Points