Hands-on 1: Packing a complex mixture of different lipid species into a bilayer and simulating it


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How to pack a complex mixture of different lipid species into a bilayer?

  • How to minimize energy?

  • How to heat up a simulation system?

  • How to equilibrate a simulation system?

  • Prepare a lipid bilayer

  • Energy minimize, heat up and equilibrate the system


This episode guides you through the process of building a bilayer, preparing simulation input files, minimizing energy, equilibrating the system, and running an equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation. You will need to follow a number of steps to complete the tutorial. If you are already familiar with some of these topics, you can skip them and focus on the ones you don’t know about.

Figure: Initial bilayer

1. Generating a bilayer by packing lipids together.

The packmol-memgen program allows the creation of asymmetric bilayers with leaflets composed of different lipid species.

Bilayer asymmetry is a common feature of biological membranes. For example, the composition of the phospholipids in the erythrocyte membrane is asymmetric. Here is an article that reviews this topic in detail: Interleaflet Coupling, Pinning, and Leaflet Asymmetry—Major Players in Plasma Membrane Nanodomain Formation.

Asymmetric lipid bilayer can be generated by the following submission script:

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/23

rm -f bilayer* *.log
packmol-memgen \
    --salt --salt_c Na+ --salt_a Cl- --saltcon 0.25 \
    --dist_wat 25 \
    --ratio 21:19:1:7//2:6:15:25 \
    --distxy_fix 100 \

The job takes about 30 minutes. It generates several output files:

By default LIPID17, ff14SB and TIP3P force fields are used.

2. Using AMBER force fields not available natively in packmol-memgen.

Packmol-memgen offers several recent AMBER force fields that can be used to parameterize a bilayer. However, sometimes it is necessary to use force fields that are not readily available in packmol-memgen. The parameterization of a prepared bilayer with tleap directly is a way to achieve this. To use tleap you will need to provide an input file that is in pdb format compatible with AMBER.

Even though packmol-memgen creates a pdb file (bilayer_only_lipids.pdb), you should use it with caution. It may not work properly with some molecules. PSM is an example. When saving pdb file containing this type of lipids packmol-memgen erroneously adds TER record between the lipid headgroup (SPM) and second acyl tail (SA). This splits PSM molecule in two: PA+SPM and SA.

To illustrate the parameterization process, we will create a pdb file from AMBER topology and coordinate files, and then parameterize the bilayer using the polarizable water OPC3-pol not yet available natively in packmol-memgen.

Begin by loading the ambertools/23 module and starting the Python interpreter:

module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/23

In the python prompt enter the following commands:

import parmed
amber = parmed.load_file("bilayer_only_lipid.top", "bilayer_only_lipid.crd")

We only need to know one more thing before we can proceed: the dimensions of the periodic box. Box information can be extracted from the file bilayer_only_lipid.top:

grep -A2 BOX bilayer_only_lipid.top
%FORMAT (5E168)                                                 
  9.00000000E+01  1.03536600E+02  1.03744300E+02  9.97203000E+01

The last three numbers refer to the size of the box in the X, Y, and Z axes. We can now parameterize the system using the Lipid21 force field and OPC3-Pol polarizable water as follows:

module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/23
tleap -f <(cat << EOF
source leaprc.water.opc3pol
source leaprc.lipid21 
sys=loadpdb bilayer-lipid21-opc3pol.pdb
set sys box {103.5 103.7 99.7}
set default nocenter on
saveamberparm sys bilayer.parm7 bilayer.rst7

Don’t forget to replace {103.5 103.5 99.9} with your own numbers!

3. Energy minimization

A system must be optimized in order to eliminate clashes and prepare it for molecular dynamics.

To run energy minimization we need three files:

  1. Molecular topology bilayer.parm7
  2. Initial coordinates bilayer.rst7
  3. Simulation input file minimization.in

First, we create a directory for energy minimization job.

mkdir 1-minimization && cd 1-minimization

Here is an input file for minimization (minimization.in) that you can use.

  imin=1,       ! Minimization 
  ntmin=3,      ! Steepest Descent 
  maxcyc=1000,  ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
  ntpr=10,      ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps        
  ntwr=1000,    ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
  cut=10.0,     ! Nonbonded cutoff

Using the script below, submit a minimization job.

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000
#SBATCH --ntasks=10
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 

module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/4.0.3 ambertools/23

srun sander.MPI -O -i minimization.in \
        -o minimization.out \
        -p ../bilayer.parm7 \
        -c ../bilayer.rst7 \
        -r minimized.rst7 

When the optimization job is completed, the output file minimized.rst7 will contain the optimized coordinates. Minimization takes about 40 minutes.

4. Heating

Start with creating a directory for energy heating job.

cd ..
mkdir 2-heating && cd 2-heating

Our optimized simulation system does not move yet, there is no velocities. Our next step is to heat it up to room temperature. The system can be heated in a variety of ways with different initial temperatures and heating rates. It’s important to warm up the system gently, avoiding strong shocks that can create conformations that aren’t physiological. A typical protocol is described in Amber tutorial Relaxation of Explicit Water Systems.

We will start the system at the low temperature of 100K and heat it up to 300K over 20 ps of simulation time at constant pressure. At this step we use weak coupling thermostat and barostat with both time constants set to 5 ps.

Here is how the simulation input file heating.in looks like:

  imin=0,           ! Molecular dynamics
  ntx=1,            ! Read coordinates with no initial velocities
  ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
  ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
  tol=0.0000001,    ! SHAKE tolerance
  nstlim=20000,     ! Number of MD steps
  ntt=1,            ! Berendsen thermostat
  tempi=100,        ! Initial temperature
  temp0=300,        ! Target temperature
  tautp=5.0,        ! Time constant for heat bath coupling
  ntpr=100,         ! Write energy info every ntwr steps 
  ntwr=10000,       ! Write restart file every ntwr steps
         ntwx=2000,        ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
  dt=0.001,         ! Timestep 
  ntb=2,            ! Constant pressure periodic bc.
  barostat=1,       ! Berendsen barostat
  taup=5,           ! Pressure relaxation time
  ntp=3,            ! Semiisotropic pressure scaling
  csurften=3,       ! Constant surface tension with interfaces in the xy plane
  cut=10.0,         ! Nonbonded cutoff

Submit job using the following script:

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=v100:1
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 

module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.0.3 amber/20.12-20.15

pmemd.cuda -O -i heating.in \
    -o heating.out \
    -p ../bilayer.parm7 \
    -c minimized.rst7 \
    -r heated.rst7 

A minute is all it takes for this job to be completed.

5. The first phase of the equilibration process.

The second step of relaxation will maintain the system at 300 K over 100 ps of simulation time at a constant pressure, allowing the box density to relax. The initial density is too low because there are gaps between lipids an water and lipids are not perfectly packed.

As the simulation parameters are the same as on the previous step, you might wonder why we did not simply continue with the previous step? It is necessary to restart because the box size changes rapidly from its original size, and a running simulation cannot handle such large changes (GPU code does not reorganize grid cells at runtime). Restarting simulation will generate new grid cells and allow the simulation to continue.

Simulation input file equilibration.in:

Equilibration 1 
  imin=0,           ! Molecular dynamics
  irest=1,          ! Restart
  ntx=5,            ! Read positions and velocities
  ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
  ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
  tol=0.0000001,    ! SHAKE tolerance
  nstlim=200000,    ! Number of MD steps
  ntt=1,            ! Berendsen thermostat
  temp0=300,        ! Set temperature
  tautp=5.0,        ! Time constant for heat bath coupling
  ntpr=100,         ! Write energy info every ntwr steps 
  ntwr=10000,       ! Write restart file every ntwr steps
  ntwx=2000,        ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
  dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
  ntb=2,            ! Constant pressure periodic bc.
  barostat=1,       ! Berendsen barostat
  taup=5,           ! Pressure relaxation time
  ntp=3,            ! Semiisotropic pressure scaling
  csurften=3,       ! Constant surface tension with interfaces in the xy plane
  fswitch=8.0,      ! Force switching
  cut=10.0,         ! Nonbonded cutoff 

Submission script

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=v100:1
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 

module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.0.3 amber/20.12-20.15

pmemd.cuda -O -i equilibration.in \
    -o eq-1.out \
    -p ../bilayer.parm7 \
    -c ../2-heating/heated.rst7 \
    -r eq-1.rst7 

This job completes in about 5 minutes.

Examine energy components

cpptraj << EOF
readdata $log
writedata energy.dat $log[Etot] $log[TEMP] $log[PRESS] $log[VOLUME] time 0.1

6. The second phase of the equilibration process.

Now density is mostly relaxed and we can apply temperature and pressure coupling parameters appropriate for a production run. Temperature and pressure coupling methods are changed to produce the correct NPT ensemble. To speed up simulation, we use a longer time step. The relaxation of a bilayer may take many nanoseconds. We simulate only for 1,000,000 steps because box dimensions are still far from equilibration and restart will likely be necessary to reorganize grid cells.

Simulation input file equilibration-2.in:

Equilibration 2 
  imin=0,           ! Molecular dynamics
  irest=1           ! Restart
  ntx=5,            ! Read  positions and  velocities
  ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
  ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
  tol=0.0000001,    ! SHAKE tolerance
  nstlim=1000000,   ! Number of MD steps
  ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat 
  temp0=300,        ! Target temperature
  gamma_ln=2.0,     ! Collision frquency 
  ntpr=100,         ! Write energy info every ntwr steps 
  ntwr=10000,       ! Write restart file every ntwr steps
  ntwx=10000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
  dt=0.002,         ! Timestep (ps)
  ntb=2,            ! Constant pressure periodic bc.
  barostat=1,       ! Berendsen barostat
  taup=1.0,         ! Pressure relaxation time
  ntp=3,            ! Semiisotropic pressure scaling
  csurften=3,       ! Constant surface tension with interfaces in the xy plane
  fswitch=10.0,     ! Force switching from 10 to 12 A
  cut=12.0,         ! Nonbonded cutoff 

Submission script

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=v100:1
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00

module purge
module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.0.3 amber/20.12-20.15

pmemd.cuda -O -i equilibration-2.in \
    -o eq-2.out \
    -p ../bilayer.parm7 \
    -c ../3-equilibration/eq-1.rst7 \
    -r eq-2.rst7 

Center trajectory using the bilayer COM

trajin ../bilayer.rst7
trajin ../2-heating/heated.rst7
trajin ../4-equilibration/eq-4.rst7
center :SPM,PA,PC,PS
trajout mdcrd.xtc 

Delete TER records between residues SPM and SA in bilayer_only_lipid.pdb using shell commands.

This exercise is optional for those who wish to improve their efficiency when working with text files. Using shell commands at an advanced level is the focus of the exercise.


The following command removes all erroneous TER records:

grep -n  "H22 SPM " bilayer_only_lipid.pdb | \
 cut -f1 -d: | \
 awk '{print $0 + 1}' | \
 awk -F, 'NR==FNR { nums[$0]; next } !(FNR in nums)' \
 - bilayer_only_lipid.pdb > bilayer_only_lipid_fixed.pdb

Let’s break it down:

  • grep -n "H22 SPM " finds all lines containing “H22 SPM “ and prints their line numbers followed by the line content.
  • cut -f1 -d: selects the first field containing the line number
  • awk '{print $0 + 1} increments this number, after this command we have a list of lie numbers we want to delete
  • awk -F, 'NR==FNR { nums[$0]; next } !(FNR in nums)' - bilayer_only_lipid.pdb takes the list of line numbers from the pipe and deletes lines with matching numbers from the file bilayer_only_lipid.pdb

If this command is executed, it will remove the line following the last atom of each SPM residue, effectively deleting the erroneous TER records.

Key Points