Hands-on 4: Preparing a system for simulation with GROMACS


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How to Prepare Input Files for Simulation with GROMACS?

  • Learn to Generate Input Files for Simulation with GROMACS

Generating Input Files for Simulation with GROMACS.

What force fields are available in the loaded GROMACS module?

When the GROMACS module is loaded the environment variable EBROOTGROMACS will be set. This variable is pointing to the GROMACS installation directory. Knowing where the GROMACS installation is we can find out what force fields are available:

module load gromacs
ls -d $EBROOTGROMACS/share/gromacs/top/*.ff | xargs -n1 basename
amber03.ff		amber99sb-ildn.ff	gromos45a3.ff
amber94.ff		amberGS.ff		gromos53a5.ff
amber96.ff		charmm27.ff		gromos53a6.ff
amber99.ff		gromos43a1.ff		gromos54a7.ff
amber99sb.ff		gromos43a2.ff		oplsaa.ff

Generate GROMACS Topology and Coordinate Files from the Solvated System.

cd ~/scratch/workshop/pdb/1RGG/GROMACS

We can generate GROMACS topology from the complete simulation system prepared previously and saved in the file 1RGG_chain_A_solvated.pdb. For pdb2gmx to work correctly we need to rename ions from (Na+, Cl-) to (NA, CL), and rename CYX to CYS:

ATOM   1444 Na+  Na+    97      -5.058 -11.031  -0.206  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1450 Cl-  Cl-   103      19.451  -3.022   8.361  1.00  0.00

We will also assign ions to chain B.

mol new ../1RGG_chain_A_solvated.pdb 
set s [atomselect top "resname 'Na+'"]
$s set resname "NA"
$s set name "NA"
$s set chain "B"
set s [atomselect top "resname 'Cl-'"]
$s set resname "CL"
$s set name "CL"
$s set chain "B"
set s [atomselect top "resname CYX"]
$s set resname "CYS"
set s [atomselect top all]
$s writepdb 1RGG_chain_A_solvated_gro.pdb
cat ../1RGG_chain_A_solvated.pdb |\
sed s/"Cl-  Cl-  "/" CL  CL  B"/g |\
sed s/"Na+  Na+  "/" NA  NA  B"/g |\
sed s/CYX/CYS/g > 1RGG_chain_A_solvated_gro.pdb

Let’s make the topology using the AMBER ff99SBildn force field and the tip3 water model:

gmx pdb2gmx -f 1RGG_chain_A_solvated_gro.pdb -ff amber99sb-ildn -water tip3 -ignh -chainsep id -ss << EOF 
Option Value Description
ignh - Ignore hydrogens in file
chainsep id Separate chains by chain ID. Since we assigned ions to chain B pbb2gmx will ignore TER records and put them in a separate chain
ss - Interactive S-S bridge selection. Detect potential S-S bonds, and ask for confirmation.

The construct

<< EOF

at the end of the command is to automatically confirm ‘y’ S-S bond.

By default pdb2gmx program saved three output files:

Type Filename
topology topol.top
coordinates conf.gro
position restraints posre.itp

The names of the output files can be changed by using output options -p, -o and -i.

Prepare the System Using GROMACS Module pdb2gmx.

To demonstrate how to solvate protein and add ions using pdb2gmx we can go back to the protein structure file 1RGG_chain_A_prot.pdb saved before solvation and repeat all system preparation steps with this GROMACS utility. Note that in this case the neutralizing ions will be added in randomly selected positions.

First we generate the topology and the coordinate file using the AMBER ff99SBildn force field and the spc/e water model:

gmx pdb2gmx -f ../1RGG_chain_A_prot.pdb -ff amber99sb-ildn -water tip3 -ignh -chainsep id -ss << EOF 

Once the gromacs coordinate file conf.gro is created we add a periodic box to it:

gmx editconf -f conf.gro -o boxed.gro -c -d 1.5 -bt cubic

The option ‘-c’ positions solute in the middle of the box, the option -d specifies the distance (in nm) between the solute and the box. Add water

gmx solvate -cp boxed.gro -cs spc216.gro -o solvated.gro -p topol.top

Next, we need to create a binary topology file. For this we need a MD run parameters file. An empy file will be sufficient for now. Using the empty file ‘mdrun.mdp’ we can generate the binary topology ‘solvated.tpr’ file:

touch mdrun.mdp
gmx grompp -f mdrun.mdp -p topol.top -c solvated.gro -o solvated.tpr >& grompp.log

When the grompp program runs it generates a lot of diagnostic messages and prints out the net charge. We saved the output in the file ‘grompp.log’ so that we can find out what is the total charge of the system:

grep "total charge" grompp.log
System has non-zero total charge: -5.000000

Finally we can use the GROMACS genion command to replace random solvent molecules with ions. We will first add cation/anion pairs to mimic a desired salt concentration and then neutralize the system by adding sodium ions (the options -conc [Mol/L] and -neutral). By default genion uses Na+ and Cl- ions. Other ions can be chosen by selecting options -pname [positive ion] and -nname [negative ion]. We also need to select a target group of solvent molecules to be replaced with ions. We will chose the ‘SOL’ group which is the default name of the solvent group in GROMACS:

$ echo "SOL" | gmx genion -s solvated.tpr -p topol.top -neutral -conc 0.15 -o neutralized.pdb

Let’s inspect the last section of the updated topology file:

tail -n 4 topol.top
Protein_chain_A     1
SOL         11482
NA               38
CL               33

Create a binary topology file with the new topology and run parameters.

gmx grompp -f minimization.mdp -p topol.top -c neutralized.pdb -o solvated_neutral.tpr

You can see that 38 sodium and 33 chloride ions were added to the system.

Why PDB to GROMACS conversion fails?

Download the structure file 2F4K from PDB and try to generate the molecular topology with pdb2gmx:

wget http://files.rcsb.org/view/2F4K.pdb
gmx pdb2gmx -f 2F4K.pdb -ff amber99sb-ildn -water spce

Why this command fails and how to fix it?


The file contains two noncanonical norleucine aminoacids (NLE65 and 70). GROMACS does not have parameters for this aminoacid. You have two options: replace norleucine with leucine or add norleucine parameters.

Key Points