Advancing Simulation in Time


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How is simulation time advanced in a molecular dynamics simulation?

  • What factors are limiting a simulation time step?

  • How to accelerate a simulation?

  • Understand how simulation is advanced in time.

  • Learn how to choose time parameters and constraints for an efficient and accurate simulation.

  • Learn how to specify time parameters and constraints in GROMACS and NAMD.

Integration Algorithms

The Euler Algorithm

  1. Use $\boldsymbol{r}, \boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{a}$ at time $t$ to compute $\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})$ and $\boldsymbol{v}(t+\delta{t})$:




  1. Not energy conserving
  2. Not reversible in time


The original Verlet Algorithm

Verlet improved the Euler integration by using positions at two successive time steps. Using positions from two time steps ensured that acceleration changes were taken into account. Essentially, this algorithm is as follows: calculate the next positions using the current positions, forces, and previous positions:

  • The Verlet algorithm (Verlet, 1967) requires positions at two time steps. It is inconvenient when starting a simulation when only current positions are available.

While velocities are not needed to compute trajectories, they are useful for calculating observables e.g. the kinetic energy. The velocities can only be computed once the next positions are calculated:


The Verlet algorithm is time-reversible and energy conserving.

The Velocity Verlet Algorithm

Euler integrator can be improved by introducing evaluation of the acceleration at the next time step. You may recall that acceleration is a function of atomic coordinates and is determined completely by interaction potential.

  1. Use $\boldsymbol{r}, \boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{a}$ at time $t$ to compute $\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})$: $\qquad\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})=\boldsymbol{r}(t)+\boldsymbol{v}(t)\delta{t}+\frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol{a}(t)\delta{t}^2$
  2. Derive $ \boldsymbol{a}(t+\delta{t})$ from the interaction potential using new positions $\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})$
  3. Use both $\boldsymbol{a}(t)$ and $\boldsymbol{a}(t+\delta{t})$ to compute $\boldsymbol{v}(t+\delta{t})$: $\quad\boldsymbol{v}(t+\delta{t})=\boldsymbol{v}(t)+\frac{1}{2}(\boldsymbol{a}(t)+\boldsymbol{a}(t+\delta{t}))\delta{t} $

The Velocity Verlet algorithm is mathematically equivalent to the original Verlet algorithm. It explicitly incorporates velocity, solving the problem of the first time step in the basic Verlet algorithm.

Leap Frog Variant of Velocity Verlet

Velocity, position, and forces are calculated using the following algorithm:

  1. Derive $ \boldsymbol{a}(t)$ from the interaction potential using positions $\boldsymbol{r}(t)$
  2. Use $\boldsymbol{v}(t-\frac{\delta{t}}{2})$ and $\boldsymbol{a}(t)$ to compute $\boldsymbol{v}(t+\frac{\delta{t}}{2})$: $\qquad\boldsymbol{v}(t+\frac{\delta{t}}{2})=\boldsymbol{v}(t-\frac{\delta{t}}{2}) + \boldsymbol{a}(t)\delta{t}$
  3. Use current $\boldsymbol{r}(t)$ and $\boldsymbol{v}(t+\frac{\delta{t}}{2})$ to compute $\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})$ : $\qquad\boldsymbol{r}(t+\delta{t})=\boldsymbol{r}(t)+\boldsymbol{v}(t+\frac{\delta{t}}{2})\delta{t}$

Discontinuities in simulations occur when the integrator is changed

Since velocities in Leap-frog restart files are shifted by half a time step from coordinates, changing the integrator to Verlet will introduce some discontinuity.

Integrator pairs of coordinates ($r$) and velocities ($v$)
Velocity-Verlet $[r_{t=0}, v_{t=0}], [r_{t=1}, v_{t=1}], [r_{t=2}, v_{t=2}], \ldots $
Leap-Frog $[r_{t=0}, v_{t=0.5}], [r_{t=1}, v_{t=1.5}], [r_{t=2}, v_{t=2.5}], \ldots $

A simulation system will experience an instantaneous change in kinetic energy. That makes it impossible to transition seamlessly between integrators.

Selecting the Integrator


Several integration algorithms available in GROMACS are specified in the run parameter mdp file.

integrator = md
; A leap frog algorithm

integrator = md-vv
;  A velocity Verlet algorithm

integrator = md-vv-avek
; A velocity Verlet algorithm same as md-vv except the kinetic energy is calculated as the average of the two half step kinetic energies. More accurate than the md-vv.

integrator = sd
;  An accurate leap frog stochastic dynamics integrator.

integrator = bd
; A Euler integrator for Brownian or position Langevin dynamics.


The only available integration method is Verlet.

How to Choose Simulation Time Step?

Larger time step allows to run simulation faster, but accuracy decreases.

Other ways to increase simulation speed

Specifying Time Parameters


Time parameters are specified in the mdp run parameter file.

dt = 0.001
; Time step, ps

nsteps = 10000
; Number of steps to simulate

tinit = 0
; Time of the first step


Time parameters are specified in the mdin run parameter file.

TimeStep = 1
# Time step, fs

NumSteps = 10000
# Number of steps to simulate

FirstTimeStep = 0
# Time of the first step

#  Multiple time stepping parameters
nonbondedFreq 2
#  Number of timesteps between short-range non-bonded evaluation.

fullElectFrequency 4
# Number of timesteps between full electrostatic evaluations

Constraint Algorithms

In constrained simulation first the unconstrained step is done, then corrections are applied to satisfy constraints.



Extensions of the original SHAKE algorithm: RATTLE, QSHAKE, WIGGLE, MSHAKE, P-SHAKE.


Choosing simulation time step

Which of the following methods allows for a time step of 4 fs?

  1. Constraining bonds involving hydrogen atoms
  2. Hydrogen mass repartitioning
  3. Constraining bonds and angles involving hydrogen atoms
  4. Constraining angles between heavy atoms


Hydrogen mass repartitioning

Specifying Constraints


SHAKE, LINCS and SETTLE constraint algorithms are implemented. They are selected via keywords in mdp input files

constraints = h-bonds
; Constrain bonds with hydrogen atoms

constraints = all-bonds
; Constrain all bonds

constraints = h-angles
; Constrain all bonds and additionally the angles that involve hydrogen atoms

constraints = all-angles
; Constrain all bonds and angles

constraint-algorithm = LINCS

constraint-algorithm = SHAKE

shake-tol = 0.0001
;  Relative tolerance for SHAKE, default value is 0.0001.

SETTLE can be selected in the topology file:

[ settles ]
; OW    funct   doh     dhh
1       1       0.1     0.16333


SHAKE and SETTLE constraint algorithms are implemented. They are selected via keywords in simulation input file.

rigidBonds water
# Use SHAKE to constrain bonds with hydrogens in water molecules.

rigidBonds all
# Use SHAKE to constrain bonds with hydrogens in all molecules.

rigidBonds none
# Do not constrain bonds. This is the default.

rigidTolerance 1.0e-8
# Stop iterations when all constrained bonds differ from the nominal bond length by less than this amount. Default value is 1.0e-8.

rigidIterations 100
# The maximum number of iterations. If the bond lengths do not converge, a warning message is emitted. Default value is 100.

rigidDieOnError on
# Exit and report an error if rigidTolerance is not achieved after rigidIterations. The default value is on.

useSettle on
# If rigidBonds are enabled then use the SETTLE algorithm to constrain waters. The default value is on.

Key Points

  • A good integration algorithm for MD should be time-reversible and energy conserving.

  • The most widely used integration method is the velocity Verlet.

  • Simulation time step must be short enough to describe the fastest motion.

  • Time step can be increased if bonds involving hydrogens are constrained.

  • Additional time step increase can be achieved by constraining all bonds and angles involving hydrogens.