Electrostatic Interactions


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How electrostatic interactions are calculated in periodic systems?

  • Learn what parameters control the accuracy of electrostatic calculations

Coulomb interactions

graph: electrostatic potential

Particle Mesh Ewald (PME)

Graph: PME Decomposition

Fast decaying short-ranged potential (Particle part).

Slow decaying long-ranged potential (Mesh part).

PME algorithm

Image: PME Grid

  1. Assign charges to grid cells. Charges in grid cells are obtained by interpolation.
  2. Compute Fourier transform.
  3. Compute potential. Coulomb interaction decays rapidly in Fourier space, and summation converges fast.
  4. Compute inverse Fourier transform.
  5. Interpolate gridded potentials back to atomic centers.

Simulation parameters controlling speed and accuracy of PME calculations.

Challenge: Electrostatic interactions

Which of the following statements is incorrect?
For more accurate electrostatic calculations you need to:

  1. Decrease grid spacing
  2. Increase the grid dimensions
  3. Increase direct space tolerance
  4. Increase the interpolation order


Increase direct space tolerance

PME variables

Variable \ MD package GROMACS NAMD AMBER
Fourier grid spacing fourierspacing (1.2) PMEGridSpacing (1.5)  
Grid Dimension [X,Y,Z] fourier-[nx,ny,nz] PMEGridSize[X,Y,Z] nfft[1,2,3]
Direct space tolerance ewald-rtol (\(10^{-5}\)) PMETolerance (\(10^{-5}\)) dsum_tol (\(10^{-6}\))
Interpolation order pme-order (4) PMEInterpOrder (4) order (4)

Key Points

  • Calculation of electrostatic potentials is the most time consuming part of any MD simulation

  • Long-range part of electrostatic interactions is calculated by approximating Coulomb potentials on a grid

  • Denser grid increases accuracy, but significantly slows down simulation