Visualizing Volumetric Data


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How to visualize volumetric data?

  • Learn how to compute density maps

  • Learn how to visualize volumes

Visual representations of volumetric data

VMD has the ability to compute and display volumetric data. Volumetric data sets represent parameters whose values depend on their location in 3D, such as density, potential or solvent accessibility. Volumetric datasets store data as 3-D grids. Volumetric data can be visualized by VMD as slices, as isosurfaces, or by using volumetric data to color objects. Plugins for creating and analyzing volumetric data are also available in VMD.

Creating density maps

Let’s use the file workshop_vmd/example_03/bcl2-1.pdb

Load this file and compute density map using Volmap Tool:

  1. Go to Extensions–>Analysis–>Volmap Tool
  2. Change selection to all and resolution to 0.5
  3. Press Create Map

Our molecule now has one volumetric data set associated with it, and isosurface representation of this map is automatically created.

Using slices to visualize volume

The color scale can be set in Graphics–>Colors–> Color Scale. Select Sequential–>Plasma in Method.

Play with the Slice Offset slider, which adjusts the y-coordinate of the slice. Different colors represent different numerical values of the volumetric data, in this case mass density.

Make slices for the x- and z-directions as well, and rotate you view with the mouse so that all three planes are visible.

Using isosurfaces to visualize volume

For 3D surface representation of the volumetric data follow the following steps:

Now, you can see a surface of constant volumetric value, chosen using the Isovalue slider. As you choose higher values, you see the surface shrinks down around a core where the most average mass was located.

Coloring objects by volumetric data

Another common way to represent volumetric data is by coloring other representations based on it. For example you can color molecular surface by electrostatic potential.

To prepare potential file from the pdb file I first used pdb2pqr web server to prepare pdb file with charges and radii needed for calculation of electrostatic potential. Then I used APBS Electrostatics VMD plugin to compute electrostatic potential around RNA molecule. I will discuss these calculations in detail later. For now we will simply use precomputed potential file as a visualization example.

Visualizing electron density maps

The electron density map represents the fit between the structural model and experimental data from an X-ray structure determination. Scientists commonly use 2fo-fc and fo-fc electron density maps. The fo-fc map shows only the electron density poorly represented by the model, while the 2fo-fc map includes electron density around the model. We will be using the 2fo-fc map for this demonstration.

Example PDB file is 7xcq.

The files are available in the folder workshop_vmd/example_04

The volume map is too big, so the figure is very busy. By focusing on a small area of interest, visualization can be significantly improved. When choosing regions of interest in volumetric data, VMD provides two options.

Whole Map Clipping planes Volime Tool

Clip Tool

Clipping planes allow for the slicing of a 3D model along a plane. Each molecule can have up to 6 different clipping planes, which can independently be set on or off.

Let’s focus on the HEM. The first step is to orient it in the plane of the screen. Then in the clipping plane tool check the box Normal follows view and activate two clipping planes. Uncheck Normal follows view, rotate the molecule to look at the HEM from its side and adjust positions of the clipping planes.

Volume Tool

The “mask” function removes all voxels from an input map that fall outside the given cutoff from a set of atoms. This functionality is available only in VMD command line.

voltool mask <selection> -mol <molID> -vol <volID> -cutoff <cutoff distance>

The voltool operates on selections of atoms, so we need to create a selection.

Let’s select HEM atoms:

atomselect top "resname HEM"

Print all available selections:

atomselect list

You may have more than one selection, so let’s confirm that atomselect0 is the selection we want:

atomselect0 text

Visualize electron density around HEM:

voltool mask atomselect0 -mol 0 -vol 0 -cutoff 3

Selecting an area of interest with voltool

Visualize electron density around TYR103, or any other residue using voltool.

Key Points